
如果混凝土攪拌車出現(xiàn)故障,就要找出問題所在,進(jìn)行補(bǔ)救。 如果液壓電氣系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)故障需要維修,我們來(lái)說(shuō)說(shuō)相關(guān)內(nèi)容。
If the concrete mixer fails, find out the problem and remedy it. If the hydraulic and electrical system fails and needs maintenance, let's talk about the relevant contents.
液壓系統(tǒng)出現(xiàn)故障的原因有很多。 由于控制元件較多,液壓泵在壓力不足時(shí)容易出現(xiàn)問題,需要對(duì)液壓泵進(jìn)行檢修; 如果轉(zhuǎn)向不夠準(zhǔn)確,則需要調(diào)整,如果速度太低,則需要提高速度。
There are many reasons for the failure of the hydraulic system. Due to many control elements, the hydraulic pump is prone to problems when the pressure is insufficient, and the hydraulic pump needs to be overhauled; If the steering is not accurate enough, it needs to be adjusted. If the speed is too low, it needs to be increased.
如果液壓油粘度不高,需要更換液壓油,根據(jù)施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)溫度選擇液壓油; 如果溢流閥內(nèi)部泄漏,需要及時(shí)更換溢流閥。
If the hydraulic oil viscosity is not high, the hydraulic oil needs to be replaced, and the hydraulic oil shall be selected according to the temperature of the construction site; If the overflow valve leaks internally, the overflow valve needs to be replaced in time.
如果液壓泵本身?yè)p壞,需要及時(shí)更換; 如果電磁換向閥沒有反應(yīng),可以判斷是控制電路或電磁閥閥芯卡死,需要檢查控制電路或清洗電磁閥。
If the hydraulic pump itself is damaged, it needs to be replaced in time; If the solenoid directional valve does not respond, it can be judged that the control circuit or solenoid valve spool is stuck. It is necessary to check the control circuit or clean the solenoid valve.
為了保證混凝土攪拌機(jī)的正常運(yùn)行,需要完善機(jī)械維護(hù)系統(tǒng)。 一方面要建立有計(jì)劃的保養(yǎng)制度,在使用過(guò)程中根據(jù)保養(yǎng)計(jì)劃制定科學(xué)的保養(yǎng)周期,從預(yù)防的原則上確保攪拌機(jī)處于良好的運(yùn)行狀態(tài)。 另一方面,要建立狀態(tài)維護(hù)制度。
In order to ensure the normal operation of concrete mixer, it is necessary to improve the mechanical maintenance system. On the one hand, it is necessary to establish a planned maintenance system, formulate a scientific maintenance cycle according to the maintenance plan in the process of use, and ensure that the mixer is in good operation state from the principle of prevention. On the other hand, state maintenance system should be established.
使用攪拌機(jī)前,維修人員根據(jù)運(yùn)行情況進(jìn)行維護(hù)保養(yǎng),及時(shí)發(fā)現(xiàn)攪拌機(jī)運(yùn)行故障并進(jìn)行處理,提高攪拌機(jī)的性能。 通過(guò)計(jì)劃維護(hù)系統(tǒng)和狀態(tài)裝飾系統(tǒng)的聯(lián)合應(yīng)用,實(shí)現(xiàn)了攪拌機(jī)的綜合維護(hù)。
Before using the mixer, the maintenance personnel shall carry out maintenance according to the operation conditions, find and deal with the operation faults of the mixer in time, and improve the performance of the mixer. Through the combined application of planned maintenance system and state decoration system, the comprehensive maintenance of mixer is realized.
Nowadays, higher requirements are put forward for the quantity and quality of mixers, so how to quickly repair the faults of concrete mixers has become a problem to be handled in time. For more content, please pay attention to our website www.zkzdsljbc Check out the information.


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