
2023-01-25    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

一、 樹立公司形象,擴大業(yè)務(wù)宣傳
Establish a corporate image, expand business promotion

Website construction including the company general introduction, such as the company size, company structure, product, corporate culture, corporate philosophy, business objectives, business goals, values, vision, the company has received the honor, the company is now in the research of new products, the company the future trend of development, the company's product or service has the out of the ordinary characteristics and market positioning and so on also some additional company quality service etc.. Company information includes not only text data, but also contains some pictures, such as corporate image building, the employee of the company image, especially the product pictures and so on, making the company more realistic, more convincingly demonstrated in front of customers. As far as possible let customers for the company know more comprehensive, more detailed.
二、 收集客戶反饋,加強客戶服務(wù)
Collect customer feedback, strengthen customer service

通過公司的網(wǎng)站 ,可以建立統(tǒng)一的資料發(fā)送和接收系統(tǒng),增強了安全性、穩(wěn)定性、及時性,保證客戶的利益。提高了服務(wù)質(zhì)量,并能以一種快捷、方便的方式提供公司及其產(chǎn)品的信息和客戶所需的服務(wù)。運用先進的傳播擴展手段,增大公司的用戶數(shù)量。大大提高了商務(wù)通信速度,擴大了通道的功能。拉近了公司與客戶的距離,增強了與客戶的關(guān)系。公司可全天候24小時地服務(wù)我們的客戶 ,與我們的客戶保持售后聯(lián)系,傾聽客戶意見,回答客戶經(jīng)常提出的問題,并可以及時的收到客戶各種反饋信息,及早發(fā)現(xiàn)問題、解決問題。
Through the company's website, you can create a unified data sending and receiving system, enhance the security, stability, timeliness, ensure that the interests of customers. Improve the quality of service, and can provide information on the company and its products and services required by customers in a fast, convenient way. Expand the use of advanced communication means, the company increased the number of users. Greatly increased the speed of business communications, and expand the channel function. Between the company and the customer distance, enhance the relationship with customers. Company 24 hours a day with our customer service to customer service, to maintain relationships with our customers, to listen to the views of customers, answering customer questions frequently raised, and can receive the customer feedback information timely, discover a problem, solve the problem as soon as possible.
三、 網(wǎng)上市場調(diào)查,開展網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷
Online market research, marketing network

Through the website realize shorten the cycle of aunt launched new products and open new markets for products sales activities, the maximum extent to meet the needs of customers, in order to open up the market, increase the profits. The company will own product information and dealer information published on the website, the customer can apply to join the company's sales network according to the situation, also sold under the order to the company directly through the website to order system; the company to receive the order after the confirmation, and then to provide information. Develop the network marketing is the main content of:
Product information: the company sells information publicity in the website, and carries on the classification according to the product structure, in order to facilitate customer access to buy.
The customer information: mainly used to collect and manage the sales customer information, the convenience of customers and follow the recommendation, to promote the company's sales activities.
3、 銷售訂單:實現(xiàn)公司和客戶之間銷售訂單的網(wǎng)上提交及管理。
The sales order: to achieve between the company and customer sales order online submission and management.
4、 經(jīng)銷商信息:將公司銷售業(yè)務(wù)辦公室及主要經(jīng)銷商的電話、地址、傳真、業(yè)務(wù)人員姓名、負責領(lǐng)域或產(chǎn)品項目公布在網(wǎng)站上,以促進銷售。
Distributor information: will the company sales office and the main distributor's telephone, address, fax, business name, responsible for the project area or product published on the website, to promote sales.
四、 建立信息數(shù)據(jù)庫,實施電子商務(wù)
The establishment of information database, the implementation of electronic commerce

To establish complete information database, a pair, a foreign. Internally, within the company to achieve maximum utilization of information resources and sharing, the information preservation, search, view, and use; foreign, let customers as much as possible about the nature and business characteristics, the information classification, easy for customers to search and view. In addition, visitors through the website information about the company, if the intention of subscription, you can submit information online orders, according to the conditions managers can view, search, order management, and feedback to the marketing department, timely contact with the development of customer orders, simple e-commerce.
Direct sales network

The enterprise marketing type website construction is not only good for the image of enterprise is a good publicity, and can assist the enterprise in sales, or even directly through the network to help enterprises realize product sales.




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