
2023-01-24    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

SEO 和 UEO 這兩個(gè)詞應(yīng)該算見得比較多了, UEO 的全稱是 User Experience Optimizatio,中 文意思就是用戶體驗(yàn)優(yōu)化,百度百科是這樣解釋的:用戶體驗(yàn)優(yōu)化就是把你的網(wǎng)站建設(shè)針對(duì)于用戶的體驗(yàn)來進(jìn)行優(yōu)化,面對(duì)用戶層面的網(wǎng)站 內(nèi)容性優(yōu)化,本著為訪客服務(wù)的原則,改善網(wǎng)站功能,操作,視覺等網(wǎng)站要素,從而獲得訪客的青睞。通過優(yōu)化來提高流量轉(zhuǎn)換率。
SEO and UEO these two words should calculate see more, UEO's full name is the User Experience Optimizatio, WenYiSi is the User Experience optimization, baidu encyclopedia is such explanations: User Experience optimization is the you of the website for families with Experience is optimized, face the website content optimizing User level, in line with the principle of service for visitors, improve the nets stand function, operation, websites such as visual elements, to get the favour of visitors. Through the optimization to improve conversion rates flow.
結(jié)合 SEO 來看,我覺得簡(jiǎn)而言之就是為搜索引擎和用戶做網(wǎng)站,而不是單純的為一方面去 做,因?yàn)槲覀兊木W(wǎng)站除了是做給用戶看的,也是做給搜索引擎看的。
Combined with SEO to see, I think is simply for search engines and users do website, not just on the one hand to do, because our website in addition to users see is, is also done to the search engines to see.
UEO 和 SEO 只有一字之差,但這二者卻也是我們做 SEO 一直強(qiáng)調(diào)的關(guān)鍵,通俗點(diǎn)來講我 們做 SEO 就是做排名,其實(shí)對(duì)于這點(diǎn)我覺得沒啥否定的,我們 最開始做 SEO 的出發(fā)點(diǎn)就 是做基于網(wǎng)站排名的發(fā)展,而后開始注重 SEO 策略 ,而在這個(gè)策略里 UEO 就占據(jù)了很大一部分,因?yàn)槲覀兊木W(wǎng)站不能只有 SEO,也 不能只有 UEO,需要的是這二者 好的結(jié)合,使得這二者效果大化,也就是說在做好網(wǎng)站用戶體驗(yàn)的同時(shí)也做好了 SEO, 這才是比較好的選擇。
UEO and SEO YiZiZhiCha only, but the two is we do have stressed key of SEO, popular point I will tell the SEO is do rankings, actually to this I think nothing negative, we began to do most of the starting point will do SEO based on the development of the website rankings, and began to pay attention to SEO strategy, and in this strategy UEO occupying a big part of it, because our website can not only SEO, also can not only UEO, need is the perfect combination of the two, make the two maximum effect, that is the well site at the same time the user experience ready to SEO, this is the better choice.
最近看過一期天津衛(wèi)視的現(xiàn)場(chǎng)招聘節(jié)目《非你莫屬》,有一期是應(yīng)聘者是一位 SEO 工作求職 者,我對(duì)這期節(jié)目比較關(guān)注是因?yàn)檫@期的求職者是應(yīng)聘 SEO 相 關(guān)的工作,和我們做 SEO 的是一類人,由于有關(guān) SEO 這個(gè)工作是很少在電視上被關(guān)注的,所以拿來和大家說說。節(jié) 目當(dāng)中以為對(duì) SEO 比較了解的企業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)人對(duì) 這位求職者問了一個(gè)問題, 要求她解釋一下 SEO,這個(gè)問題其實(shí)是我們最常見的問題,看起來很簡(jiǎn)單,很容易回答, 但其實(shí)并非如此。那位求職者的回答 是:SEO 就是在搜索引擎中搜索出來的網(wǎng)站中讓我們 的網(wǎng)站排名靠前。其實(shí)直接點(diǎn)說就是做網(wǎng)站排名。
Recently seen a period of tianjin TV site recruitment program "must belong to you", had a period is the applicant is a SEO work to apply for a job person, I this issue is to show concern because the issue of the applicant is applying for in the work of SEO shut, and we do the SEO is a kind of person, because this job is about SEO usually on the TV of interest, so bring with us about. Section of orders that SEO to understand better the responsible person of the enterprise to the applicant asks a question, ask her to explain SEO, the problem is that our most common problem, look very simple, very easy to answer, but it's not. The applicant's answer is: SEO is in the search engine to search out of the sites let us website ranking in front. Actually direct point said is do website ranking.
雖然說 SEO 就是做排名也沒錯(cuò),但還是比較片面,沒有提高用戶體驗(yàn)這點(diǎn),這也是我們做 SEO 最容易忽視掉的部分,也就很容易陷入為了 SEO 而 SEO 的局面,其 實(shí)反過來想想,我們做 SEO 的目的是什么?很明顯是為了有好的排名,但有排名就能獲得 轉(zhuǎn)化嗎,要知道我們網(wǎng)站之所以做 SEO 是為了能夠獲得轉(zhuǎn) 化,而不僅僅只是排名,如果我 們做了好排名而不能帶來半毛錢的轉(zhuǎn)化,這樣的排名有神馬用呢,無非就是數(shù)據(jù)上好看點(diǎn)罷 了,老板叫你去可不是光看數(shù)據(jù),而是需 要實(shí)實(shí)在在的收益。
Although SEO is also ranked do right, but still is unilateral, not enhance the user experience of this, this also is we do the most easily overlooked SEO parts, and is easy to fall into to SEO and SEO's situation, the real, in turn, think about it, we do SEO what is the purpose? Obviously is to have good ranking, but have ranking can get into it, to know the web site we do SEO is to gain the turn, but not just ranking, if I do the good rankings and cannot bring the transformation of any money, so god with the ranking horse? It is nothing but good data read the ", the boss told you to not only see the data, but need to real gains.
其實(shí)有很多 SEO 和 UEO 結(jié)合的非常好的例子,比如大型分類門戶網(wǎng)站都是將這兩者很好結(jié) 合的,比如他們充分的利用面包屑導(dǎo)航、二級(jí)目錄和次導(dǎo)航,比 如很多大型網(wǎng)站在做好站 內(nèi)優(yōu)化的同時(shí)也會(huì)合理利用 nofollow,等類似的例子還有很多就不一一說明了,而將這二者 較好搭配的結(jié)果自然是做好了整站優(yōu) 化,包括 SEO 和 UEO。
There are many SEO and UEO combination of the very good examples, such as large classification web portal are both very good and will close, such as the use of them to make bread crumbs navigation, level 2 directory and time navigation, like many large web site in than do stand inside optimization can also reasonable use nofollow, and similar examples and many say not clear, and to better the result of the match between natural is ready ZhengZhan optimal change, including SEO and UEO.
對(duì)于大型站點(diǎn)是如此,我們的小站也是如此,也需要在這兩者上進(jìn)行權(quán)衡,拿獨(dú)立博客來講, 一樣可以在 SEO 和 UEO 上有所發(fā)展,比如站內(nèi)關(guān)鍵詞的合理 布局、頁面打開時(shí)間的改善、 文章對(duì)用戶的友好度等細(xì)節(jié),但真正做好這些的還是很少,往往很多博客都在為了 SEO 而 SEO,盡管這些對(duì)他們不重要,因?yàn)槲覀?都很容易浮躁,但從 SEO 角度來說這些都是不應(yīng)該的。
For large web sites, so this is our station also is so, also need to weigh in on the two, take independent blog speaking, it's a development and UEO SEO, such as in the station of keywords reasonable layout, page will open the improvement and the time the user friendly degrees, and other details, but really do that or very few, often many blog in order to SEO and SEO, although these are not important to them, because we are all easy to blundering, but from the point of view for these are SEO should not be.
也許你會(huì)問,不是說好的 SEO 就是忘了 SEO 嗎,話雖如此,但搜索引擎是不斷更新調(diào)整 的,那么 SEO 可控的因素也會(huì)改變 ,因此這句話也是不全面 的,換個(gè)角 度來看,大型網(wǎng)站一般都會(huì)有專門的 SEO 團(tuán)隊(duì)來進(jìn)行 SEO 工作的開展和維護(hù),因?yàn)樗麄兌己芮宄闹?SEO 是一個(gè)長(zhǎng)期的變化過程,雖然核心出發(fā)點(diǎn)不會(huì)變,但細(xì)則仍舊會(huì)變,SEO策略也會(huì)相應(yīng)變化。
Maybe you will ask, not to say that the best SEO is forget SEO? And that may be the case, but a search engine is constantly updated adjustment, then SEO controllable factors will also change, so this sentence is not comprehensive, change the Angle of view, the large sites will generally have a special team to for SEO SEO work development and maintenance, because they are very clear that SEO is a long-term change process, even though core starting point won't change, but the rules are still will change, SEO strategy will also corresponding change.
本文旨在交流探討,因?yàn)閷?duì)于 SEO 和 UEO 的理解因人而異,也因網(wǎng)站而異,但最終的核心 是不變的,那就是 SEO 和 UEO 是需要并行的,這兩者獨(dú)立發(fā)展都是不利的,而且是一直存 在于網(wǎng)站運(yùn)營(yíng)過程的。
This paper aims to communication, because for SEO and UEO understanding vary from person to person, but also because of website different, but in the end the core is the same, and that is UEO SEO and is the need to parallel, the two independent development are bad, and is always put in website operation process.




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