
2023-01-26    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

網(wǎng)站制作設(shè)計(jì)的色彩搭配問題總是讓很多從事這個(gè)行業(yè)的人感到頭疼,因?yàn)椴恢?每種顏色都會(huì)對用戶產(chǎn)生不一樣的視覺感, 網(wǎng)頁的顏色, 并非單一就圖文件、 文字顏色、 或是底色為主,而是以瀏覽者的角度來觀看,整體網(wǎng)頁看上去是偏向哪種色系。所以網(wǎng)站制作設(shè)計(jì)的色彩搭配十分重要,可以增加用戶體驗(yàn)(UEO),那么今天我就簡單分析一下網(wǎng)站中各種顏色會(huì)起到什么樣的效果。
The website production design colour collocation is always let many in this business of the people felt headache, because don't know each color of users will produce different visual perception, web page of color, not a single file, drawing on text color, or the impression is given priority to, but to the point of view of the visitors watch, whole page is what kind of color to look. So the website production design colour collocation is very important, can increase user experience (UEO), so today I will make a brief analysis of all kinds of color can be a web site what kind of effect.
白色的色感光明,性格樸實(shí)、純潔、快樂。白色具有圣潔的不容侵犯性。如果在白色中加入其它任何色,都會(huì)影響其純潔性,使其性格變的含蓄。 黃色的性格冷漠、高傲、敏感、具有擴(kuò)張和不安寧的視覺印象。黃色是網(wǎng)站制作設(shè) 計(jì)各種色彩中,最為嬌氣的一種色。只要在純黃色中混入少量的其它色,其色相感和色 性格均會(huì)發(fā)生較大程度的變化。
The white color are light, simple, pure, happy character. White has the holy inviolable sex. If in the white with any other color, can affect the purity, make its character is implicit. Yellow character chill, arrogant, sensitive, has the expansion and unquiet visual impression. Yellow is the website production plan set various kinds of color, the most fragile a kind of color. As long as in the pure yellow mix a small amount of other color, the color hue feeling and character are in great degree of change.
紅色的色感溫暖,性格剛烈而外向,是一種對人刺激性很強(qiáng)的色。紅色容易引起人 的注意,也容易使人興奮、激動(dòng)、緊張、沖動(dòng)、還是一種容易造成人視覺疲勞的色。 藍(lán)色的色感冷嘲熱諷,性格樸實(shí)而內(nèi)向,是一種有助于人頭腦冷嘲熱諷靜的色。
Red lubricious feeling warm, operas and outgoing personality, is a very strong color to stimulating. Red easy to cause people to attention, also easy to make a person excited, excited, tension, impulse, or a kind of easy to cause the person visual sense of the fatigue of color. The blue color feeling sneering, simple and introverted personality, is a kind of help to mind the cynical static color.
藍(lán)色的樸實(shí)、內(nèi)向性格,常為那些性格活躍、具有較強(qiáng)擴(kuò)張力的色彩,提供一個(gè)深遠(yuǎn)、廣 埔、平靜的網(wǎng)站制作設(shè)計(jì)空間,成為襯托活躍色彩的友善而謙虛的朋友。‘ 紫色的明度在有彩色的色料中是最低的。 紫色的低明度給人一種沉悶、 神秘的感覺。
Blue guileless, introverted personality, often for those character active, with strong KuoZhangLi colour, provide a far-reaching, and wide Po, calm the website production design space, become the active color foil friendly and modest friends. 'purple lightness in colored in color material is the lowest. Purple of low lightness gives a person a kind of boring, mysterious feeling.
綠色是具有黃色和藍(lán)色兩種成份的色。在綠色中,將黃色的擴(kuò)張感和藍(lán)色的收縮感 相中庸, 將黃色的溫暖感與藍(lán)色的寒冷感相抵消。 這樣使得綠色的性格最為平和、 安穩(wěn)。 是一種柔順、恬靜、潢足、優(yōu)美的色。 一個(gè)有自己風(fēng)格的網(wǎng)站制作設(shè)計(jì), 且閱讀起來舒適大方的網(wǎng)頁, 并不可能一次就寫 好,而是需要經(jīng)過不厭其煩的修正、調(diào)色,才能達(dá)到好瀏覽效果的。
Green is a yellow and blue two component of the color. In the green, yellow and blue are the expansion of the contractive feeling in moderation, yellow warmth and blue feeling of cold phase offset. This makes the most peaceful, the character of the green is safe. Is a supple and tranquil, huang foot and beautiful color. A your style website production design, and comfortable and easy to read the web page, doesn't have a will written, but need to pass to orate amend, toning, to achieve the best effect of browsing.




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