
2023-01-28    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

A lot of people do when the site, SEO site optimization are biased in favor of the website, but forget the importance of the site itself!
1.頁(yè)面的美觀(Page beautiful)
頁(yè)面美觀對(duì)于一個(gè)網(wǎng)站是很重要的,對(duì)于網(wǎng)站我們是做個(gè)用戶使用的,不是做給百度使用的。當(dāng)一個(gè)用戶進(jìn)入你的網(wǎng)站,發(fā)現(xiàn)網(wǎng)站很“丑”說(shuō)時(shí)候,如果你是做“電子商務(wù)”,恐怕這個(gè)“丑”會(huì)讓你的網(wǎng)站大大的打折扣。所以我們?cè)?a >網(wǎng)站制作的時(shí)候,一定要把網(wǎng)站盡量的美觀,讓用戶體驗(yàn)度大大提高。好比女生,一般都喜歡看帥哥,不喜歡看丑男。一般人都懂的道理!
Page appearance is very important for a website, we make a user for the website, not to do to use baidu. When a user enters your website, found the website very " ugly " said, if you are doing " electronic commerce", I'm afraid this " ugly " will make your site greatly discount. So we in the production site, must as far as possible the beautiful site, let the user experience degree is greatly improved. Like the girls, usually likes to see a handsome boy, don't like to see the ugly man. Most people know the truth!
2.網(wǎng)站的速度(Site speed)
For the website speed, this is very important. When users access to your web site, for a long time not to go. Usually this situation nive out of ten is to shut down, for the new site into the. If your site is ranked first name, site speed suck, it is cheap. So in the choice of space or VPS, must choose good. It is best to domestic, speed, no problem easily.
3.網(wǎng)站的內(nèi)容建設(shè)(The content of the website construction)
The content of the website construction to the user whether or not to use your website is very important. The construction of website content, key is when the user enters your website, can quickly find the required information, so that users can generate interest on your website and dependence.
4.標(biāo)題與內(nèi)容要符合(The title and content to meet)
The title of the website the best agreement with the content of the website, when the user on your site search, when the user enters, found not in conformity with the contents of the site without effect, so I'm afraid.
In fact, for the website, just remember, we are doing to the users, do not use to Baidu, not because of excessive SEO and ignore the importance of the site itself!




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