


##############第一步、將“具有外部PSC 轉(zhuǎn)換為嵌入式PSC”###########################


##掛載VCSA 6.7U3 ISO

root@elm-vcsa02 [ ~ ]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom/

mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only


root@elm-vcsa02 [ ~ ]# cp /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/templates/converge/converge.json /root/

root@elm-vcsa02 [ ~ ]# cp /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/templates/decommission/decommission_psc.json /root/

##修改converge.json文件,此文件用于將“具有外部PSC 轉(zhuǎn)換為嵌入式PSC”

root@elm-vcsa02 [ ~ ]# cat converge.json?



root@elm-vcsa02 [ ~ ]# cd /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64/

root@elm-vcsa02 [ /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64 ]# ./vcsa-util converge --precheck-only /root/converge.json?

Run the installer with "-v" or "--verbose" to log detailed information

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

If an untrusted SSL certificate is installed on '', secure communication cannot be guaranteed. Depending on your security policy, this issue could represent a security concern.

The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate is '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'

Do you accept the thumbprint?

1: Accept and continue.

2: Do not accept and exit.

Enter '1' or '2': 1

You have accepted the server certificate's thumbprint '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'.


Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

Converge precheck is successful.

=============================================================================================== 03:03:22 ===============================================================================================

Result and log file information...

WorkFlow log directory: /tmp/vcsaCliInstaller-2019-10-10-03-02-g_9o782a/workflow_1570676576953


root@elm-vcsa02 [ /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64 ]# ./vcsa-util converge /root/converge.json?

Run the installer with "-v" or "--verbose" to log detailed information

? ?The Converge operation changes your vCenter Server configuration from an External Platform Services Controller to an Embedded Platform Services Controller model as detailed in the information

provided to the input file. If you did not yet plan the configuration you want to achieve by running this tool nor checked input information for desired results, please see the 'vCenter Server

Installation and Setup Guide' for instructions. Ensure you have a current, valid backup of the vCenter Server and Platform Services Controllers in your environment before proceeding

Did you back up the participating PSC and VCSA nodes? Press (Y|y)es to proceed: Y

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

If an untrusted SSL certificate is installed on '', secure communication cannot be guaranteed. Depending on your security policy, this issue could represent a security concern.

The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate is '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'

Do you accept the thumbprint?

1: Accept and continue.

2: Do not accept and exit.

Enter '1' or '2': 1

You have accepted the server certificate's thumbprint '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'.


Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

[01/18] [SUCCEEDED] Precheck validations for converge

[02/18] [SUCCEEDED] Gather requirements

[03/18] [SUCCEEDED] Leave federation domain

[04/18] [SUCCEEDED] Uninstall vmafd client

[05/18] [SUCCEEDED] Stop all services? ? ? ? ? ? ?

[06/18] [SUCCEEDED] Initialize converge

[07/18] [SUCCEEDED] Update node type to embedded

[08/18] [SUCCEEDED] Install required RPMs? ? ? ? ?

[09/18] [SUCCEEDED] Run vmafd firstboot? ? ? ? ? ?

[10/18] [SUCCEEDED] Retain machine ID and LDU

[11/18] [SUCCEEDED] Handle vmdir state

[12/18] [SUCCEEDED] Verify replication complete

[13/18] [SUCCEEDED] Run vmon, rhttpproxy, lookupsvc firstboot

[14/18] [SUCCEEDED] Run vmidentity-firstboot? ? ??

[15/18] [SUCCEEDED] Update certificates

[16/18] [SUCCEEDED] Run license_firstboot Firstboot

[17/18] [SUCCEEDED] Starting all services on converged VCSA node

[18/18] [SUCCEEDED] Cleanup after converge

?Converged to VCSA with embedded PSC successfully!

You may proceed with next step according to the documentation at https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/index.html for your topology or PSC HA configuration

=============================================================================================== 03:17:07 ===============================================================================================

Result and log file information...

WorkFlow log directory: /tmp/vcsaCliInstaller-2019-10-10-03-08-1pmc8fzs/workflow_1570676882066



root@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd

Partner: elm-vcsa01.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6092

Partner has seen my change number: 6092

Partner is 0 changes behind.

root@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showservers -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd




root@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd



root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd



root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showservers -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd




root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd

Partner: elm-psc01.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6107

Partner has seen my change number: 6107

Partner is 0 changes behind.

Partner: elm-vcsa02.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6107

Partner has seen my change number: 6107

Partner is 0 changes behind.

##ON PSC01

root@elm-psc01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h elm-psc01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd

Partner: elm-vcsa01.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6125

Partner has seen my change number: 6125

Partner is 0 changes behind.

root@elm-psc01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h elm-psc01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd


root@elm-psc01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showservers -h elm-psc01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd







##decommission_psc.json 文件內(nèi)容參考如下

root@elm-vcsa02 [ /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64 ]# cat /root/decommission_psc.json?



root@elm-vcsa02 [ /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64 ]# ./vcsa-util decommission --precheck-only /root/decommission_psc.json?

Run the installer with "-v" or "--verbose" to log detailed information

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

If an untrusted SSL certificate is installed on '', secure communication cannot be guaranteed. Depending on your security policy, this issue could represent a security concern.

The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate is '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'

Do you accept the thumbprint?

1: Accept and continue.

2: Do not accept and exit.

Enter '1' or '2': 1

You have accepted the server certificate's thumbprint '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'.


Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

Precheck PSC decommission task successful.

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...



Precheck vCenter decommission task successful.

=============================================================================================== 05:15:05 ===============================================================================================

Result and log file information...

WorkFlow log directory: /tmp/vcsaCliInstaller-2019-10-10-05-14-wcr2km4r/workflow_1570684496750


root@elm-vcsa02 [ /mnt/cdrom/vcsa-converge-cli/lin64 ]# ./vcsa-util decommission /root/decommission_psc.json?

Run the installer with "-v" or "--verbose" to log detailed information

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

If an untrusted SSL certificate is installed on '', secure communication cannot be guaranteed. Depending on your security policy, this issue could represent a security concern.

The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate is '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'

Do you accept the thumbprint?

1: Accept and continue.

2: Do not accept and exit.

Enter '1' or '2': 1

You have accepted the server certificate's thumbprint '0E:DC:1F:BA:41:FC:2E:56:77:33:AC:69:A0:B7:83:5F:4B:86:A5:21'.


Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...

Precheck PSC decommission task successful.

Retrying the connection with certificate thumbprint check...



Precheck vCenter decommission task successful.

PSC machine powered off successfully.

Decommissioning PSC node. This may take some time. Please wait..

?Successfully decommissioned the PSC node?

=============================================================================================== 05:23:11 ===============================================================================================

Result and log file information...

WorkFlow log directory: /tmp/vcsaCliInstaller-2019-10-10-05-17-2ew_59vk/workflow_1570684671581


root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd

Partner: elm-vcsa02.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6266

Partner has seen my change number: 6266

Partner is 0 changes behind.

root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showservers -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd



root@elm-vcsa01 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h elm-vcsa01.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd


oot@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showservers -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd



root@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartnerstatus -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd

Partner: elm-vcsa01.em.com

Host available:? ?Yes

Status available: Yes

My last change number:? ? ? ? ? ? ?6271

Partner has seen my change number: 6271

Partner is 0 changes behind.

root@elm-vcsa02 [ /usr/lib/vmware-vmdir/bin ]# ./vdcrepadmin -f showpartners -h elm-vcsa02.em.com -u Administrator -w P@ssw0rd





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