
JIT? just-in-time 即時編譯功能




注意:JIT的功能需要在編譯的時候就開啟 jit的支持,PostgreSQL documentation 說明LLVM最低版本需要3.9



yum localinstall epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm


yum install llvm5.0 llvm5.0-devel clang

cd /root/pg_sources/postgresql-11? ??# 切換到pg11的源碼的路徑下,執(zhí)行編譯操作?

./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pgsql-11 \

--with-python --with-perl --with-tcl --with-pam \

--with-openssl --with-libxml --with-libxslt \

--with-llvm LLVM_CONFIG='/usr/lib64/llvm5.0/bin/llvm-config'

# 如果有缺少依賴包等報(bào)錯,可以參考網(wǎng)上的資料補(bǔ)充后,再次執(zhí)行 configure 命令。



postgres=# select name,setting from pg_settings where name like 'jit%';

????????? name?????????? | setting


?jit???????????????????? | on

?jit_above_cost????????? | 100000

?jit_debugging_support?? | off

?jit_dump_bitcode??????? | off

?jit_expressions???????? | on

?jit_inline_above_cost?? | 500000

?jit_optimize_above_cost | 500000

?jit_profiling_support?? | off

?jit_provider??????????? | llvmjit

?jit_tuple_deforming???? | on

(10 rows)






create table a(id int, info text, crt_Time timestamp, c1 int);?

insert into a select generate_series(1,100000000),'test',now(),random()*100;? ?--也不加索引了,純靠PG自己來硬抗

analyze a;?


\dt+ a

??????????????????? List of relations

?Schema | Name | Type? |? Owner ??|? Size?? | Description


?public | a??? | table | postgres | 5746 MB |

(1 row)





set jit=on;?

set max_parallel_workers_per_gather =32;?

alter table a set (parallel_workers =32);?

set min_parallel_table_scan_size =0;?

set min_parallel_index_scan_size =0;?

set parallel_setup_cost =0;?

set parallel_tuple_cost =0;?


postgres=# select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 using (id) group by t1.c1;?

Time: 31402.562 ms (00:31.403)


postgres=# explain select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 using (id) group by t1.c1;?

???????????????????????????????????????????????? QUERY PLAN


?Finalize GroupAggregate? (cost=1657122.68..1657229.70 rows=101 width=12)

?? Group Key: t1.c1

?? ->? Gather Merge? (cost=1657122.68..1657212.53 rows=3232 width=12)

???????? Workers Planned: 32

???????? ->? Sort? (cost=1657121.85..1657122.10 rows=101 width=12)

?????????????? Sort Key: t1.c1

?????????????? ->? Partial HashAggregate? (cost=1657117.48..1657118.49 rows=101 width=12)

???????????????????? Group Key: t1.c1

???????????????????? ->? Parallel Hash Join? (cost=817815.59..1641492.46 rows=3125004 width=4)

?????????????????????????? Hash Cond: ( =

?????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Seq Scan on a t1? (cost=0.00..766545.04 rows=3125004 width=8)

?????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Hash? (cost=766545.04..766545.04 rows=3125004 width=4)

???????????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Seq Scan on a t2? (cost=0.00..766545.04 rows=3125004 width=4)


?? Functions: 23

?? Options: Inlining true, Optimization true, Expressions true, Deforming true

(16 rows)



postgres=# select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 on ( and t1.c1=2 and t2.c1=2) group by t1.c1;

?c1 |? count?


? 2 | 1000506

(1 row)


Time: 4780.824 ms (00:04.781)


postgres=# select * from a order by c1,id desc limit 10;

??? id??? | info |????????? crt_time????????? | c1


?99999958 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99999926 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99999901 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99999802 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99999165 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99999100 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99998968 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99998779 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99998652 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

?99998441 | test | 2019-10-18 09:22:32.391061 |? 0

(10 rows)

Time: 3317.480 ms (00:03.317)


postgres=# select c1,count(*) from a group by c1;?

Time: 5031.796 ms (00:05.032)




postgres=# ?select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 using (id) group by t1.c1;?

Time: 71410.034 ms (01:11.410)


postgres=# explain? select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 using (id) group by t1.c1;

????????????????????????????????????????????????? QUERY PLAN


?Finalize GroupAggregate? (cost=6150282.43..6150308.02 rows=101 width=12)

?? Group Key: t1.c1

?? ->? Gather Merge? (cost=6150282.43..6150306.00 rows=202 width=12)

???????? Workers Planned: 2

???????? ->? Sort? (cost=6149282.41..6149282.66 rows=101 width=12)

?????????????? Sort Key: t1.c1

?????????????? ->? Partial HashAggregate? (cost=6149278.03..6149279.04 rows=101 width=12)

???????????????????? Group Key: t1.c1

???????????????????? ->? Parallel Hash Join? (cost=1835524.52..5940950.58 rows=41665490 width=4)

?????????????????????????? Hash Cond: ( =

?????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Seq Scan on a t1? (cost=0.00..1151949.90 rows=41665490 width=8)

?????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Hash? (cost=1151949.90..1151949.90 rows=41665490 width=4)

???????????????????????????????? ->? Parallel Seq Scan on a t2? (cost=0.00..1151949.90 rows=41665490 width=4)

(13 rows)

Time: 0.636 ms



postgres=# select t1.c1,count(*) from a t1 join a t2 on ( and t1.c1=2 and t2.c1=2) group by t1.c1;

?c1 |? count?


? 2 | 1001209

(1 row)

Time: 9329.623 ms (00:09.330)


postgres=# select * from a order by c1,id desc limit 10;

??? id??? | info |????????? crt_time????????? | c1


?99999518 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99999088 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99999016 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998987 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998899 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998507 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998142 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998107 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99998050 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

?99997437 | test | 2019-10-18 09:18:36.532469 |? 0

(10 rows)

Time: 6113.971 ms (00:06.114)



postgres=# select c1,count(*) from a group by c1;?

Time: 9868.117 ms (00:09.868)


?從上面的測試結(jié)果看,基本上, 對于大數(shù)據(jù)集的JOIN之類的復(fù)雜?查詢, 用了JIT后, 查詢速度在原有的基礎(chǔ)上再縮短至少一半。






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