
濤思數(shù)據(jù)的TDengine是創(chuàng)始人陶建輝(Jefft)帶領(lǐng)團隊開發(fā)的物聯(lián)網(wǎng)大數(shù)據(jù)平臺,據(jù)官方 描述不難看出圈內(nèi)又一大國神器橫空出世;恰巧作為一個多年來被動碾轉(zhuǎn)各個技術(shù)領(lǐng)域戰(zhàn)場的老兵又有了一次親近物聯(lián)網(wǎng)項目的契機,看到TDengine,不禁老夫聊發(fā)少年狂,技癢難耐,走,粗發(fā):


1. TDengine只支持在使用systemd做進程服務(wù)管理的linux系統(tǒng)上安裝。

剛從阿里云上申請了臺ECS, centos7。

# which systemd


2. 下載源碼

進入 下載源碼

3. 安裝編譯環(huán)境

# yum install -y gcc gcc-c++ make automake
# yum -y install cmake

4. 安裝java

文檔上說:To compile and package the JDBC driver source code, you should have a Java jdk-8 or higher and Apache Maven 2.7 or higher installed. To install openjdk-8 on Ubuntu;


#yum -y install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

再安裝 maven
#wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo

*--2019-08-30 12:40:23--
正在解析主機 (, 2610:28:3090:3001:5054:ff:fea7:9474
正在連接 (||:80... 已連接。
已發(fā)出 HTTP 請求,正在等待回應(yīng)... 302 Found
位置: [跟隨至新的 URL]
--2019-08-30 12:40:24--
正在連接 (||:443... 已連接。
已發(fā)出 HTTP 請求,正在等待回應(yīng)... 200 OK
正在保存至: “/etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo”

100%[============================================================================================================>] 445 --.-K/s 用時 0s

2019-08-30 12:40:26 (23.0 MB/s) - 已保存 “/etc/yum.repos.d/epel-apache-maven.repo” [445/445])**

yum -y install apache-maven

# mvn -v
Apache Maven 3.5.2 (138edd61fd100ec658bfa2d307c43b76940a5d7d; 2017-10-18T15:58:13+08:00)
Maven home: /usr/share/apache-maven
Java version: 1.8.0222, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
Default locale: zhCN, platform encoding: UTF-8
OS name: "linux", version: "3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x8664", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"


# cd TDengine-master
TDengine-master]# mkdir build && cd build

#cmake .. && cmake --build .

在 TDengine-master/build 目錄中,又發(fā)現(xiàn)一個build目錄
build]# ll
總用量 64
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 8月 30 13:00 build
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14809 8月 30 13:00 CMakeCache.txt
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 8月 30 13:09 CMakeFiles
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2690 8月 30 13:00 cmakeinstall.cmake
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2824 8月 30 13:00 CPackConfig.cmake
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3220 8月 30 13:00 CPackSourceConfig.cmake
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 8月 30 13:00 deps
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 8月 30 13:09 installmanifest.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12486 8月 30 13:00 Makefile
drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 4096 8月 30 13:00 src
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 8月 30 13:00 test

build]# make install


# taosd

*08/30 13:14:47.825160 7f811dfc2740 UTL timezone not configured, set to system default:Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
08/30 13:14:47.825242 7f811dfc2740 UTL locale not configured, set to system default:zhCN.UTF-8
08/30 13:14:47.825257 7f811dfc2740 UTL charset not configured, set to system default:UTF-8
08/30 13:14:47.825384 7f811dfc2740 UTL taos config & system info:
08/30 13:14:47.825394 7f811dfc2740 UTL ==================================
08/30 13:14:47.825398 7f811dfc2740 UTL internalIp: x.x.x.x
08/30 13:14:47.825402 7f811dfc2740 UTL serverIp:
08/30 13:14:47.825405 7f811dfc2740 UTL localIp:
08/30 13:14:47.825409 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpIp:
08/30 13:14:47.825419 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpPort: 6020
08/30 13:14:47.825423 7f811dfc2740 UTL mgmtShellPort: 6030
08/30 13:14:47.825426 7f811dfc2740 UTL vnodeShellPort: 6035
08/30 13:14:47.825431 7f811dfc2740 UTL configDir: /etc/taos
08/30 13:14:47.825439 7f811dfc2740 UTL dataDir: /var/lib/taos
08/30 13:14:47.825443 7f811dfc2740 UTL logDir: /var/log/taos
08/30 13:14:47.825446 7f811dfc2740 UTL scriptDir: /etc/taos
08/30 13:14:47.825449 7f811dfc2740 UTL numOfThreadsPerCore: 1.000000
08/30 13:14:47.825468 7f811dfc2740 UTL ratioOfQueryThreads: 0.500000
08/30 13:14:47.825473 7f811dfc2740 UTL numOfVnodesPerCore: 8
08/30 13:14:47.825476 7f811dfc2740 UTL numOfTotalVnodes: 0
08/30 13:14:47.825480 7f811dfc2740 UTL tables: 1000
08/30 13:14:47.825490 7f811dfc2740 UTL cache: 16384(byte)
08/30 13:14:47.825493 7f811dfc2740 UTL rows: 4096
08/30 13:14:47.825496 7f811dfc2740 UTL fileBlockMinPercent: 0.050000
08/30 13:14:47.825501 7f811dfc2740 UTL ablocks: 4
08/30 13:14:47.825511 7f811dfc2740 UTL tblocks: 100
08/30 13:14:47.825514 7f811dfc2740 UTL monitorInterval: 30(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825518 7f811dfc2740 UTL rpcTimer: 300(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825521 7f811dfc2740 UTL rpcMaxTime: 600(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825525 7f811dfc2740 UTL ctime: 3600(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825529 7f811dfc2740 UTL statusInterval: 1(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825546 7f811dfc2740 UTL shellActivityTimer: 3(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825550 7f811dfc2740 UTL meterMetaKeepTimer: 7200(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825553 7f811dfc2740 UTL metricMetaKeepTimer: 600(s)
08/30 13:14:47.825565 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxUsers: 1000
08/30 13:14:47.825568 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxDbs: 1000
08/30 13:14:47.825572 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxTables: 650000
08/30 13:14:47.825575 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxVGroups: 1000
08/30 13:14:47.825578 7f811dfc2740 UTL minSlidingTime: 10(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825587 7f811dfc2740 UTL minIntervalTime: 10(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825590 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxStreamCompDelay: 20000(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825594 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxFirstStreamCompDelay:10000(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825617 7f811dfc2740 UTL retryStreamCompDelay: 10(ms)
08/30 13:14:47.825621 7f811dfc2740 UTL clog: 1
08/30 13:14:47.825624 7f811dfc2740 UTL comp: 2
08/30 13:14:47.825628 7f811dfc2740 UTL days: 10
08/30 13:14:47.825631 7f811dfc2740 UTL keep: 3650
08/30 13:14:47.825634 7f811dfc2740 UTL defaultDB:
08/30 13:14:47.825638 7f811dfc2740 UTL defaultUser: root
08/30 13:14:47.825641 7f811dfc2740 UTL timezone: Asia/Shanghai (CST, +0800)
08/30 13:14:47.825645 7f811dfc2740 UTL locale: zhCN.UTF-8
08/30 13:14:47.825648 7f811dfc2740 UTL charset: UTF-8
08/30 13:14:47.825651 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxShellConns: 2000
08/30 13:14:47.825654 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxMeterConnections: 10000
08/30 13:14:47.825658 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxMgmtConnections: 2000
08/30 13:14:47.825661 7f811dfc2740 UTL maxVnodeConnections: 10000
08/30 13:14:47.825663 7f811dfc2740 UTL minimalLogDirGB: 0.100000(GB)
08/30 13:14:47.825667 7f811dfc2740 UTL minimalTmpDirGB: 0.100000(GB)
08/30 13:14:47.825671 7f811dfc2740 UTL minimalDataDirGB: 0.500000(GB)
08/30 13:14:47.825674 7f811dfc2740 UTL enableHttp: 1
08/30 13:14:47.825678 7f811dfc2740 UTL enableMonitor: 1
08/30 13:14:47.825683 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpCacheSessions: 100
08/30 13:14:47.825686 7f811dfc2740 UTL telegrafUseFieldNum: 0
08/30 13:14:47.825698 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpMaxThreads: 2
08/30 13:14:47.825701 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpEnableCompress: 0
08/30 13:14:47.825705 7f811dfc2740 UTL numOfLogLines: 10000000
08/30 13:14:47.825708 7f811dfc2740 UTL asyncLog: 1
08/30 13:14:47.825733 7f811dfc2740 UTL debugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825739 7f811dfc2740 UTL mDebugFlag: 135
08/30 13:14:47.825743 7f811dfc2740 UTL dDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825746 7f811dfc2740 UTL sdbDebugFlag: 135
08/30 13:14:47.825749 7f811dfc2740 UTL taosDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825755 7f811dfc2740 UTL tmrDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825758 7f811dfc2740 UTL cDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825761 7f811dfc2740 UTL jniDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825765 7f811dfc2740 UTL odbcDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825768 7f811dfc2740 UTL uDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825772 7f811dfc2740 UTL httpDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825775 7f811dfc2740 UTL monitorDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825778 7f811dfc2740 UTL qDebugFlag: 131
08/30 13:14:47.825782 7f811dfc2740 UTL gitinfo: 44f8a3d73d839b2b840b9c80243ec0edf0f5d5ab
08/30 13:14:47.825786 7f811dfc2740 UTL buildinfo: Built by slguan at 2019-08-22 16:51
08/30 13:14:47.825790 7f811dfc2740 UTL version:
08/30 13:14:47.825793 7f811dfc2740 UTL dataDir: /var/lib/taos
08/30 13:14:47.825796 7f811dfc2740 UTL os pageSize: 4096(KB)
08/30 13:14:47.825799 7f811dfc2740 UTL os openMax: 65535
08/30 13:14:47.825802 7f811dfc2740 UTL os streamMax: 16
08/30 13:14:47.825805 7f811dfc2740 UTL os numOfCores: 2
08/30 13:14:47.825807 7f811dfc2740 UTL os totalDisk: 39.241287(GB)
08/30 13:14:47.825834 7f811dfc2740 UTL os totalMemory: 3789(MB)
08/30 13:14:47.825841 7f811dfc2740 UTL os sysname: Linux
08/30 13:14:47.825846 7f811dfc2740 UTL os nodename: iZ2ze0r55hupn3qtcbcu8tZ
08/30 13:14:47.825849 7f811dfc2740 UTL os release: 3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x8664
08/30 13:14:47.825852 7f811dfc2740 UTL os version: #1 SMP Tue Jun 18 16:35:19 UTC 2019
08/30 13:14:47.825855 7f811dfc2740 UTL os machine: x8664
08/30 13:14:47.825858 7f811dfc2740 UTL ==================================
08/30 13:14:47.825860 7f811dfc2740 DND Server IP address is:x.x.x.x
08/30 13:14:47.825865 7f811dfc2740 DND starting to initialize TDengine engine ...
08/30 13:14:47.833362 7f811dfc2740 DND vnode is initialized successfully
08/30 13:14:47.833391 7f811dfc2740 MND starting to initialize TDengine mgmt ...
08/30 13:14:47.834266 7f811dfc2740 MND first access, set total vnodes:50
08/30 13:14:47.845908 7f811dfc2740 MND TDengine mgmt is initialized successfully
08/30 13:14:47.845921 7f811dfc2740 HTP starting to initialize http service ...
08/30 13:14:47.846133 7f811dfc2740 DND TDengine is initialized successfully
08/30 13:14:47.846152 7f81077b6700 HTP http service init success at ip:
08/30 13:14:48.032070 7f8114d8b700 MON starting to initialize monitor service ..
08/30 13:14:48.032472 7f810bf01700 MND user:monitor login from, code:0
08/30 13:14:48.032822 7f810b700700 MND DB:0.log is created by monitor
08/30 13:14:48.082469 7f811658e700 MON dnode:x.x.x.x is started
08/30 13:14:48.084113 7f811658e700 MON monitor service init success*


# taos

*Welcome to the TDengine shell, client version: server version:
Copyright (c) 2017 by TAOS Data, Inc. All rights reserved.

taos> *






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