


一.DataMining 組件 說明


SQL> col comp_id for a15

SQL> col version for a15

SQL> col comp_name for a30

SQL> select comp_id,comp_name,versionfrom dba_registry ;

COMP_ID         COMP_NAME                      VERSION

--------------------------------------------- ---------------

XDB             Oracle XML Database  

AMD             OLAP Catalog         

EM              Oracle Enterprise Manager

SDO             Spatial              

ORDIM           Oracle Multimedia    

CONTEXT         Oracle Text          

ODM             Oracle Data Mining   

EXF             Oracle Expression Filter

RUL             Oracle Rules Manager 

OWM             Oracle Workspace Manager

CATALOG         Oracle Database Catalog Views

COMP_ID        COMP_NAME                      VERSION

--------------------------------------------- ---------------

CATPROC         Oracle Database Packages and T11.


JAVAVM          JServer JAVA Virtual Machine

XML            Oracle XDK           

CATJAVA         Oracle Database Java Packages

XOQ             Oracle OLAP API      

APS             OLAP Analytic Workspace

17 rows selected.


Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g 組件(Components) 說明

Oracle DataMining (ODM) embeds data mining within the Oracle database. ODM algorithmsoperate natively on relational tables or views, thus eliminating the need toextract and transfer data into standalone tools or specialized analyticservers. ODM's integrated architecture results in a simpler, more reliable, andmore efficient data management and analysis environment.

--ODM 是數(shù)據(jù)庫內(nèi)嵌的數(shù)據(jù)挖掘組件。ODM 在本地對表或視圖進(jìn)行操作,提取和傳輸數(shù)據(jù)到單獨的工具或者指定的分析服務(wù)上。


Data miningtasks can run asynchronously and independently of any specific user interfaceas part of standard database processing pipelines and applications. Dataanalysts can mine the data in the database, build models and methodologies, andthen turn those results and methodologies into full-fledged applicationcomponents ready to be deployed in production environments.


The benefits ofthe integration with the database cannot be emphasized enough when it comes todeploying models and scoring data in a production environment. ODM allows auser to take advantage of all aspects of Oracle's technology stack as part ofan application. Also, fewer "moving parts" results in a simpler, morereliable, more powerful advanced business intelligence application. 


ODM, ODM_MTR : Oracle 9i
DMSYS/ DMSYS  : Oracle 10g 
SYS : Oracle 11gR1, 11gR2

Oracle DataMining 11g Release 1 (11.1) has a tight integration with Oracle Database. DataMining metadata and PL/SQL packages have been migrated from DMSYS to SYS. TheDMSYS schema no longer exists in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) freshinstallations. 

--從Oracle 11gR1 開始,ODM 與數(shù)據(jù)庫結(jié)合的更緊密,ODM的metadata 和PL/SQL 包也從DMSYS中遷移到了SYS 用戶。 從Oracle 11gR1 開始,DMSYS 用戶已經(jīng)不存在,這里是新安裝的實例。升級的還是會有。

In 11g freshinstallation 'Oracle Data Mining' will no longer appear in dba_registry view sinceit is not treated as a separate component in 11g, in fact it has beenintegrated into the database itself.  However if you have upgraded yourdatabase from an earlier version to 11g,  you may see this component indba_registry. This is because of the existence of DMSYS schema, which is notused in 11g and all the objects of DMSYS are shifted to SYS during the upgradeprocess. So once you drop DMSYS schema,  'Oracle Data Mining' willdisappear from the dba_registry.

--從Oracle 11g開始,對于新安裝的數(shù)據(jù)庫,Oracle DataMining 將不會顯示在dba_registry. 因為ODM 不在作為一個數(shù)據(jù)庫的組件而存在,事實上它已經(jīng)整合到了數(shù)據(jù)里。

但是,如果是從低版本升級到11g的,那么我們還是可以從dba_registry中看到, 這是因為DMSYS 用戶已經(jīng)存在,但是其不被使用,所有DMSYS 的對象,在升級的過程中都遷移到了SYS 用戶。 所以當(dāng)我們drop 掉DMSYS 用戶之后,在dba_registry中就不能看到ODM的信息了。

我這里在前面的查詢中可以看到ODM 的信息,是因為我這里就是從Oracle 10g升級到Oracle 11g的。

二.ODM 卸載


Note.297551.1 HowTo Remove the Data Mining Option from the Database 

2.1 For Database versions  9i Release 2 (9.2.x)and  10g Release 1 (10.1.x).

TheDBA should be able to deinstall Data Mining from the 'Deinstall' icon onthe OUI (Oracle Universal Installer) page. This is a supported way. 

If OUI does not work for somereasons, you may do the following to deinstall ODM :

1. Start SQLPLUS and connect with user sysas sysdba

2. Remove ODM repositories from thedatabase :

2.1.1  For Database release 9i Release 2 (9.2.x). 

Drop ODM, ODM_MTR schemasusing the command: 


Drop ODM public synonyms usingthe commands: 

SQL> set hea off
SQL> spool /path/drop_odm_synonyms.sql
SQL>  select 'Drop public synonym ' || SYNONYM_NAME || ' ;' fromDBA_SYNONYMS where TABLE_OWNER = 'ODM';
SQL> spool off
SQL> @/path/drop_odm_synonyms.sql

 The synonyms names may needto be in double quotes in order for the script to run properly.

Note: 264 synonyms should be selected anddropped.

2.1.2  ForDatabase release 10g Release 1 (10.1.x)

Drop DMSYS schema using the command:


Drop DMSYS public synonyms using thecommands:

SQL> set hea off 
SQL> spool /path/drop_dmsys_synonyms.sql 
SQL> select 'Drop public synonym "' || SYNONYM_NAME || '" ;' fromDBA_SYNONYMS where TABLE_OWNER = 'DMSYS'; 
SQL> spool off 
SQL> @/path/drop_dmsys_synonyms.sql

Note: 568 synonyms should be selected anddropped.

Followed by:


2.1.3. Update theDBA registry :

Before updatingthe DBA registry, first make sure Data Mining is registered in your database byrunning the following:

SQL> connect / as sysdba; 
SQL> select comp_id, version, status from dba_registry;

If ODM (DataMining)  is returned by the above query than execute the following toremove Data Mining from the DBA registry:

SQL> exec dbms_registry.removed('ODM');

For UNIX Platform thefollowing steps allow to remake Oracle executable without DM libraries

1. Shutdown database
2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
3. make -f dm_off
4. make -f ioracle
5. bring database up

The sqlplusbanner should no longer display the Data Mining option and v$option should show'Oracle Data Mining' as false on a Unix system based install.

Pleasenote:  It is possible synonyms may exist for Data Mining objects.  Ifany exist, remove them to complete the removal.

2.2 For Database version 10g Release 2(10.2.x).

With DatabaseRelease 10g Release 2, the only supported way to remove the Data Mining optionis to use the Oracle Universal Installer.

--從Oracle 10gR2 開始只能從OUI中刪除ODM組件。

The steps would be :

(1)    Start The Oracle UniversalInstaller.

(2)    In Installer , click on the"Deinstall" Button.

(3)    Find you RDBMS home and expandit.

(4)    Under it you will find 'OracleDatabase 10g 10.2.0.x' . Expand it.

(5)    Under it you will find anotherfolder also called Oracle Database 10g'. Expand it.

(6)    In the bottom of this tree youwill find 'Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files'. 

This is what youneed to remove.

This Data Mininguninstall process should relink oracle executable with dm_off target, whichshould be reflected in sys.v$option view and SQLPlus banner.

--在OUI的卸載進(jìn)程會relink oracle with dm_off.

Note : On someplatform ( e.g: HP UX) you may notice that after selecting the 'Oracle DataMining RDBMS Files' and pressing OK you will be asked if you're sureyou want to remove basically everything, including "Oracle Database 10g"itself.

If this is the case do not proceed that waybut try this way :


(1)On unix and linux platform:

1. Shutdown database
2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
3. make -f dm_off
4. make -f ioracle
5. bring database up

(2)On all platform:

Update thedatabase registry to remove the Data Mining component from it by performing thefollowing : 

(1)    Start SQL+ and log as SYSDBA.

(2)    Execute this :

SQL> exec dbms_registry.removed('ODM');

The sqlplusbanner should no longer display the Data Mining option and v$option should show'Oracle Data Mining' as false on a Unix system based install.

It is notrecommended to remove the Data Mining schema (DMSYS) due to its dependencieswith the database component Oracle Text. This is documented in Note378159.1 Text breaks if Data Mining is deinstalled.

2.3 For Database version 11g Release 1(11.1.x).

With 11g, OracleData Mining is installed as part of the database installation. Data Miningis now part of Oracle binary and SYS metadata.

--從Oracle 11g開始,ODM 作為數(shù)據(jù)庫的一部分來進(jìn)行安裝,而不是作為組件。

The Data Mining option cannot be removedbut it can be disabled:


2.3.1 On Linux/Unix platform as below: 

1. Shutdown database 
2. cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib 
3. make -f dm_off 
4. make -f ioracle 
5. bring database up

2.3.2 On Windows platform as below:

Use the removeoption from the Universal Installer and select the Data Mining under EnterpriseEdition.

To verify the option have been disabled:


(1)    Start sqlplus

(2)    Connect as DBA user

(3)    Query the sys.v$option using :

SQL> Selectparameter, value from v$option where parameter ='Data Mining';

If the returnedvalue for column "value" is FALSE, then the option have beendisabled.

2.4 For Database version 11g Release 2 (11.2.x).

On both Unix andWindows we use the the chopt tool (available in 11.2) to disable Oracle DataMining in the database.

--從Oracle 11gR2 開始,可以使用chopt工具來禁用ODM 組件。

2.4.1 On Linux/Unix platform as below:

$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ srvctl stop database -d myDb
$ chopt disable dm
$ srvctl start database -d myDb

2.4.2 On Windows platform as below:

1. Shut down the database with srvctl orSQL*Plus:
srvctl stop database -d myDb

2. Stop the database service, OracleServiceSID, using the Services program inControl Panel.

3. Run the following commands:

cd %ORACLE_HOME%/bin
chopt disable dm

4. Start the database service, OracleServiceSID, using the Services program inControl Panel.

5. Start up the database:

srvctl start database -d myDb

三. ODM 安裝

MOS 文檔如下:

Note.420791.1 HowTo Manually Install Data Mining 

How To Manually Install Data Mining InOracle 11g? [ID 818314.1]

3.1 For RDBMS 10.1.x

2. START SQLPlus and connect with SYS user as SYSDBA.
3. Execute the following commands:

Unix - Linux

SQL> run$ORACLE_HOME/dm/admin/dminst.sql SYSAUX TEMP
SQL> run $ORACLE_HOME/dm/admin/odmpatch.sql
SQL> run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql


SQL> start%ORACLE_HOME%\dm\admin\dminst.sql SYSAUX TEMP 
SQL> start %ORACLE_HOME%\dm\admin\odmpatch.sql 
SQL> start %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql

4. Ensure 'Oracle Data Mining' is at Valid status in dba_registry by executingthe following query:

SQL> select COMP_NAME,VERSION,STATUS from dba_registry whereCOMP_NAME='Oracle Data Mining';

3.2 For RDBMS 10.2.x

2. START SQLPlus and connect with SYS user as SYSDBA.
3. Execute the following commands:

Unix - Linux

SQL> run$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/dminst.sql SYSAUX TEMP
SQL> run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/odmpatch.sql
SQL> run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

SQL> start %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\dminst.sql SYSAUX TEMP 
SQL> start %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\odmpatch.sql 
SQL> start %ORACLE_HOME%\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql

4. Ensure 'Oracle Data Mining' is at Valid status in dba_registry by executingthe following query:

SQL> select COMP_NAME,VERSION,STATUS from dba_registry whereCOMP_NAME='Oracle Data Mining';

3.3 For RDBMS 11.1.x and 11.2.x

 No DMSYS Schema

Oracle DataMining 11g Release 1 (11.1) has a tight integration with Oracle Database.Data Mining metadata and PL/SQL packages have been migrated from DMSYS to SYS. The DMSYS schema no longer exists in OracleDatabase 11g Release 1 (11.1) fresh installations....'

從Oracle 11g開始,ODM 已經(jīng)整個到數(shù)據(jù)里里面,不在作為組件安裝,以前版本中的DMSYS 用戶也不存在,其對象也遷移到SYS 用戶下。

If the databasehas been upgraded from earlier version, then DMSYS schema could be there, inwhich case 'DataMining Adminstration Guide' should be followed the relevant steps tomigrate data to SYS schema and then drop DMSYS schema.


There is nolonger an 'odm' directory in the ORACLE_HOME, and no entry for Data Mining inthe DBA_REGISTRY but there is a value in V$OPTION: 

SQL> col value format a30
SQL> col parameter format a30
SQL> select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Data Mining';

PARAMETER                     VALUE
------------------------------ ------------------------------
DataMining                   TRUE

If the abovereturns false, then Data Mining files need to be installed and the Oracleexecutable linked with Data Mining in the Oracle Home. In 11.2 the followingcommand can be used for both Unix/Linux and Windows to "enable" DataMining in the Oracle Home:

--如果以上返回False,那么ODM 文件需要安裝,并link DM 到Oracle Home。

在Oracle 11gR2 下,可以使用如下命令:

chopt enable dm

For 11.1 please go to the Oracle UniversalInstaller and install Data Mining files.

--在Oracle 11gR1中可以使用OUI來安裝ODM。

If there is aneed to install Data Mining manually into an Oracle Database, please performthe following steps:

--手工安裝ODM 步驟如下:

1) Go to the ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory of the RDBMS instance where youwant to install Data Mining: 

2) Ensure ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID are set for the upgraded DB env.

3) Login as SYS and run from SQL*Plus:


It is always good to collect the output in a spool file for possible analysisby Support.

四.ODM 狀態(tài)問題

Note.235486.1 Howto check that the Oracle Data Mining (ODM) Monitor is running 
Note.237348.1 TheOracle Data Mining Catalog has a LOADED status instead of a VALID Status 

當(dāng)我們從dba_registry 中查看ODM的狀態(tài)是LOADED。如:

SQL>select comp_name, version, statusfrom dba_registry where comp_name like '%

Data Mining';

 COMP_NAME                          STATUS      VERSION

 ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------

 Oracle Data Mining                 LOADED

The ODM catalogmay be valid but as some ODM patchset releases are not part of the RDBMSrelease, the ODM catalog is flagged LOADED.

       這種情況下ODM 可能是有效的,但是一些ODM的patchset 不是RDBMS的一部分,所以這里的ODM 顯示為LOADED。


1) Check if there are anyinvalid objects in the ODM schema.


a) Connect to SQL*Plus as the ODM user andexecute the following SQL query :

  SQL> select object_name, object_type from user_objects where status='INVALID';

  This query should return 0.

b) If objects are invalid, recompile allindividual objects.

     Use one of the following commands depending on the object type:

SQL> alter package <package_name>compile;       (package specification)

SQL> alter package <package_name>compile body;  (package body)

SQL> alter view <view_name> compile;             (view)

SQL> alter java class"<object_name>" resolve;  (java class)

 Ifan object compiles with warnings, use either of the following commands        to see the errors that caused thewarnings:

     SQL> show errors


     SQL> select * from user_errors where name = '<OBJECT_NAME>'

2) Update the registry when all the objects are valid in the ODM schema.

   Note : in the following examples, the ODM patchset release version is

a) Check the ODM patchsetrelease version :

   Connect to SQL*Plus as the ODM user and execute the following SQL query:

   SQL> select value from odm_configuration where name = 'ProductBanner';

 Theoutput indicates the ODM patchset release version.



  Oracle9i Data Mining (ODM Schema) Version - PRODUCTION

b) Update the registry :

  SQL> connect / as sysdba

  SQL> execute sys.dbms_registry.loaded('ODM','','Oracle Data Mining-          Production');

  SQL> execute sys.dbms_registry.valid('ODM');

3) Verify that the ODMCatalog is VALID now.

SQL> select comp_name, version, statusfrom dba_registry where comp_name like '%Data Mining';

    This query should return :

   COMP_NAME                          STATUS      VERSION

   ----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- 

   Oracle Data Mining                 VALID





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