
  • Command(或 Cmd)?
  • Shift ?
  • Option(或 Alt)?
  • Control(或 Ctrl)?
  • Caps Lock ?
  • Fn

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
??P,F1 Show Command Palette
?P Quick Open, Go to File...
??N New window/instance
?W Close window/instance
?, User Settings
?K ?S Keyboard Shortcuts
Basic editing

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?X Cut line (empty selection)
?C Copy line (empty selection)
?↓ / ?↑ Move line down/up
??↓ / ??↑ Copy line down/up
??K Delete line
?Enter / ??Enter Insert line below/above
??\ Jump to matching bracket
?] / ?[ Indent/outdent line
Home / End Go to beginning/end of line
?↑ / ?↓ Go to beginning/end of file
?PgUp / ?PgDn Scroll line up/down
?PgUp /?PgDn Scroll page up/down
??[ / ??] Fold/unfold region
?K?[ / ?K?] Fold/unfold all subregions
?K?0 / ?K?J Fold/unfold all regions
?K ?C Add line comment
?K ?U Remove line comment
?/ Toggle line comment
??A Toggle block comment
?Z Toggle word wrap
Search and replace

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?F Find
??F Replace
?G / ??G Find next/previous
?Enter Select all occurrences of Find match
?D Add selection to next Find match
?K ?D Move last selection to next Find match
Rich languages editing

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?Space Trigger suggestion
??Space Trigger parameter hints
??F Format document
?K ?F Format selection
F12 Go to Definition
?F12 Peek Definition
?K F12 Open Definition to the side
?. Quick Fix
?F12 Show References
F2 Rename Symbol
?K ?X Trim trailing whitespace
?K M Change file language

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?T Show all Symbols
?G Go to Line...
?P Go to File...
??O Go to Symbol...
??M Show Problems panel
F8/?F8 Go to next/previous error or warning
??Tab Navigate editor group history
?- /??- Go back/forward
??M Toggle Tab moves focus
Multi-cursor and selection

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
? + clickInsert cursor
??↑ Insert cursor above
??↓ Insert cursor below
?U Undo last cursor operation
??I Insert cursor at end of each line selected
?L Select current line
??L Select all occurrences of current selection
?F2 Select all occurrences of current word
???→/← Expand / shrink selection
?? + drag mouse Column (box) selection
???↑ / ↓ Column (box) selection up/down
???← / → Column (box) selection left/right
???PgUp Column (box) selection page up
???PgDn Column (box) selection page down
Editor management

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?W Close editor
?K F Close folder
?\ Split editor
?1/?2/?3 Focus into 1st, 2nd, 3rd editor group
?K?←/?K?→ Focus into previous/next editor group
?K ??← / ?K ??→ Move editor left/right
?K ← / ?K → Move active editor group
File management

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?N New File
?O Open File...
?S Save
??S Save As...
??S Save All
?W Close
?K ?W Close All
??T Reopen closed editor
?K Enter Keep preview mode editor open
?Tab / ??Tab Open next / previous
?K P Copy path of active file
?K R Reveal active file in Finder
?K O Show active file in new window/instance

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
??F Toggle full screen
??0 Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)
?= / ??- Zoom in/out
?B Toggle Sidebar visibility
??E Show Explorer / Toggle focus
??F Show Search
??G Show Source Control
??D Show Debug
??X Show Extensions
??H Replace in files
??J Toggle Search details
??U Show Output panel
??V Open Markdown preview
?K V Open Markdown preview to the side
?K Z Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
F9 Toggle breakpoint
F5 Start/Continue
F11 / ?F11 Step into/ out
F10 Step over
?F5 Stop
?K ?I Show hover
Integrated terminal

Keyboard shortcutsFunction
?` Show integrated terminal
??` Create new terminal
?C Copy selection
?↑ / ↓ Scroll up/down
PgUp/PgDn Scroll page up/down
?Home / End Scroll to top/bottom




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