exodynamics exodynamics研究援助

phenotypically plastic什么意思?生態(tài)學(xué)方面的詞匯

absolute reproductive value絕對生殖值


abundance 多度

abyssal zone 深海帶

acclimation 馴化

accumulation horizon 淀積層

aestivation 夏眠

age structure 年齡結(jié)構(gòu)

age-specific life table 特定年齡生命表

agroecosystem 農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

alleles 等位基因

allelochemic 異種信息素/種間外激素

Allen’s rule 阿倫法則

allogenic succession 異發(fā)演替

allopatric speciation 異域性物種

altruism 利他行為

asexual reproduction 無性生殖

association group 群叢組

association table 群叢表

association unit theory 群叢單位理論

association 群叢

associations 群叢

Autecology 個體生態(tài)學(xué)

autogenic succession 自發(fā)演替

autotrophs 自養(yǎng)生物

Acid precipitation 酸沉降

Acid rain 酸雨

Agricultural eco-engineering 農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)工程

Agricultural ecology, agroecology 農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)學(xué)

Agricultural economical zoning 農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟區(qū)位

Agricultural resources 農(nóng)業(yè)資源

Agroecosystem 農(nóng)業(yè)生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

Agroforestry 農(nóng)林業(yè)系統(tǒng)

Allee’s principle 阿利氏群聚原則

Allelochemicals 化感物質(zhì)

Allelopathy 化感作用

Artificial auxiliary energy 人工輔助能

Artificial direct regulation 人工直接調(diào)控

Artificial information flow 人工信息流

Auxiliary energy 輔助能

balancing selection hypothesize 平衡說

basal area 底面積

Bergman’s rule 貝格曼規(guī)律

bethal zone 半深海帶

biocoenosis 生物群落

bioconcentration 生物濃縮

biological enrichment 生物富集

biomagnification 生物放大

biomass 生物量

biome 生物帶

bionomic strategy 生態(tài)對策


Biodynamic agriculture 生物動力農(nóng)業(yè)

Biogecochemical cycle 生物地球化學(xué)循環(huán)

Biological agriculture 生物農(nóng)業(yè)

Biological control 生物防治

Biological energy subsidies 生物輔助能

Biological oxygen demand (BOD) 生化需氧量(生化耗氧量)

Biomass 生物量

Bionomic strategies 生態(tài)對策

Biological micro-cycle 生物小循環(huán)

bottle neck 瓶頸

C3 plant C3植物

C4 plant C4 植物

CAM plant CAM植物

Capital flow 資金流

Carrying capacity 環(huán)境容納量

Chemical ecology 化學(xué)生態(tài)學(xué)

Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 化學(xué)耗氧量

Chinese Ecological Agriculture 中國生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)

Climax 頂極群落

Coase’s theory 高斯理論

Coevolution 協(xié)同進化

Commensalisms 偏利作用

Community 群落

Competition 競爭

Competition exclusion principle 競爭排斥原理

Components structure 組分結(jié)構(gòu)

Controlled availability fertilizers, CAFs 控效肥料

Crop productivity potential 作物生產(chǎn)潛力

cannibalism 同種相食

carnivores 食肉動物

carring capacity 負(fù)荷量

catastrophic 災(zāi)難性因素

chamaephytes(Ch) 地上芽植物

character displacement 特征替代

cheliophytes 陰性植物

climate climax 氣候頂級

climate school 氣候?qū)W派

climax community 頂級群落

climax 頂級群落

cline 漸變?nèi)?/p>

closed community 封閉群落

clumped 集群分布

coadapted system 協(xié)同適應(yīng)系統(tǒng)

coarse grained 粗粒性分布

co-dynamics 相互動態(tài)

co-evolution 協(xié)同進化

cohort 同生群

cold desert 冷荒漠

colonization 定居, 建群

coloration 色澤

communities in littoral zone 沿岸生物群落

communities in the limnetic zone 湖沼帶生物群落

communities in the profundal zone 深水帶生物群落

Community ecology 群落生態(tài)學(xué)

community matrix 群落矩陣

community organization 群落組織

community 群落

companion species 伴生種

compen-satory predation 補償性捕食

competition coefficient 競爭系數(shù)

competition hypothesis 競爭假說

competitive exclusion 競爭排除

competive lottery 抽彩式競爭

conservation 保守主義者

conspicuousness 顯著度

constancy 恒有度

contest competition 干擾競爭

contest type of competition 爭奪型競爭

continental rise 大陸隆

continental shelf 大陸架

continental slope 大陸坡

convergent adaptation 趨同適應(yīng)

convergent oscillation 趨同波動

cost of gene recombination 基因重組價

cost of mating 交配價

cost of meiosis 減數(shù)分裂價

courtship behavior 求偶行為

coverage 蓋度

crude density 原始密度

cryptophytes(Cr) 隱芽植物

Decomposer 分解者

Desertification 土地沙漠化

Detritus food chain 腐食食物鏈

decomposition 分解作用

delayed density dependence 延后密度制約

density effect 密度效應(yīng)

density ratio 密度比

density-dependent 密度制約

density-independent 非密度制約

deterministic model 決定模型

detrial food chain 碎 食物鏈

detritus feeder 食碎生物

development 發(fā)育

diagrammatic life table 圖解式生命表

diapause 滯育

differential species 區(qū)別種

diffuse competition 分散競爭

diominant-submissive 支配—從屬

directional selection 定向選擇

discrete generation 離散世代

disruptive selection 分裂選擇

disturbance climax/disclimax 偏途頂級

divergent oscillation 趨異波動

dominance 優(yōu)勢度

dominant species 建群種

dominant species 優(yōu)勢種

dominant-submissive 支配—從屬關(guān)系

dry desert 干荒漠

dynamic classification 動態(tài)分類系統(tǒng)

dynamic life table 動態(tài)生命表

dynamic-composite life table 動態(tài)混合生命表

earth nucleus 地幔

earth’s crust 地核

Ecological amplitude 生態(tài)幅

ecological density 生態(tài)密度

ecological dominance 生態(tài)優(yōu)勢

ecological environment 生態(tài)環(huán)境

ecological equivalent 生態(tài)等值種

ecological factor 生態(tài)因子

ecological force 生態(tài)力

ecological invasion 生態(tài)入侵

ecological natality 生態(tài)出生率

ecological release 生態(tài)釋放


ecosystem development 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的發(fā)育

Ecosystem ecology 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)生態(tài)學(xué)

ecosystem 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

ecotone hypothesis 生態(tài)交錯帶假說

ecotype 生態(tài)型

ectotherm 外溫動物

edge effect 邊緣效應(yīng)

eitolation phenomenon 黃化現(xiàn)象

emergy 能值

emigration 遷出

endogenous migration 內(nèi)因性遷移

endotherm 內(nèi)溫動物

environment hormone 環(huán)境激素

environment 環(huán)境

equilibrium theory 平衡理論

euphotic zone 透光帶

euryecious 廣棲的

euryhaline 廣鹽性的

euryhydric 廣水性的

euryphagic 廣食性的

eurythermal 廣溫性的

eurytopic species 廣適種

eutrophication 富營養(yǎng)化

evergreen hardwood forest 常綠硬材林

Evolution ecology 進化生態(tài)學(xué)

evolution force 進化力

exogenous migration 外因性遷移

exploitive competition 利用競爭

exponetial growth 指數(shù)增長

Eco-economical zoning 生態(tài)經(jīng)濟區(qū)位

Ecological agriculture 生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)

Ecological agriculture model (pattern) 生態(tài)農(nóng)業(yè)模式

Ecological density 生態(tài)密度

Ecological effect 生態(tài)效益

Ecological efficiency 生態(tài)效率

Ecological factor 生態(tài)因子

Ecological engineering 生態(tài)工程

Ecological pyramid 生態(tài)金字塔(生態(tài)錐體)

Ecological succession 演替

Ecological sustainability 生態(tài)持續(xù)性

Ecology 生態(tài)學(xué)

Economic effect 經(jīng)濟效益

Economic externality 經(jīng)濟外部性

Ecosystem 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

Ecotone 群落交錯區(qū)(生態(tài)交錯區(qū))

Ecotope 景觀元素(生態(tài)點)

Ecotype 生態(tài)型

Edge effect 邊緣效應(yīng)

Embodied energy 內(nèi)含能

Emergent property of system 系統(tǒng)的整合特性

Energy 能值

Energy analysis 能流分析

Energy flow chart 能流圖

Energy flow path 能流路徑

Energy flow structure 能流結(jié)構(gòu)

Energy flowing 能量流

Entropy 熵

Eutrophication 富營養(yǎng)化

Exponential growth form 種群指數(shù)增長模式

External benefit 收益外泄

External cost 成本外攤

Feed back 反饋作用

First law of thermodynamics 熱力學(xué)第一定律

Fish pond-dike system 基塘系統(tǒng)

Flow 流

Food chain 食物鏈

Food chain structure 食物鏈結(jié)構(gòu)

Food web 食物網(wǎng)

Free energy 自由能

First law of resources economic資源經(jīng)濟學(xué)第一定律

Functional component adundence 功能組分冗余

facultative parthenogenesis 孤雌生殖

facultative parthenogenesis 兼性孤雌生殖

facultative 兼性因素

family selection 家庭選擇

farmland ecosystem 農(nóng)田生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

fecundity schedule 生育力表

fecundity 生育力

feedback 反饋

feeding niches 取食生態(tài)位

filter food 濾食性生物

fine grained 細(xì)粒性分布

finite rate of increase 周限增長率

fitness 合適度

floristic-structural classification 植物區(qū)系—結(jié)構(gòu)分類系統(tǒng)

fluctuation 波動

food chain 食物鏈

formation group 群系組

formation 群系

formation 植物群系

foundational niche 基礎(chǔ)生態(tài)龕

freshwater ecology 淡水生態(tài)學(xué)

freshwater ecosystem 淡水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

function response 功能反應(yīng)

gamete selection 配子選擇

gaps 缺口

gaseous cycle 氣體循環(huán)

geng pool 基因庫

geographic variation 地理變異

geographical theory of speciation 物種形成

geometric growth 幾何級數(shù)增長

geophytes(G) 地下芽植物

global ecology 全球生態(tài)

gradient hypothesis 梯度假說

grain 粒性

grazer 牧食生物

grazing food chain 捕食食物鏈

greenhouse effect 溫室效應(yīng)

gregarization pheromone 聚集信息素

gross primary production 總初級生產(chǎn)力

group selection 群體選擇

group selection 群體選擇

group selection 群選擇

growth form 生長型

guild 同資源團

habal zone 深淵帶

habitat 生境

heath 石楠群叢

height 高度

hemicryptophytes(He) 地面芽植物

herbivore 植食

herbivores 植食動物

heterotrophic succession 異養(yǎng)演替

heterotrophs 異養(yǎng)生物

hibernation 冬眠

homeostasis 內(nèi)穩(wěn)態(tài)

homeostasis 自調(diào)節(jié)穩(wěn)態(tài)

homeostatic organism 內(nèi)穩(wěn)態(tài)生物

homeostatic process 內(nèi)穩(wěn)定過程

human demography 人口統(tǒng)計學(xué)

Human ecology 人類生態(tài)學(xué)

humus 腐殖質(zhì)

hydrarch succession 水生演替

hydrosere 水生演替系列

immigration 遷入

importance value 重要值

individual converse rate 個體轉(zhuǎn)化率

industrial melanism 工業(yè)黑化現(xiàn)象

inner capacity increase 內(nèi)稟增長力

inner-environment 內(nèi)環(huán)境

instantaneous rate of increase 瞬間增長率

intensity 強度

interference competition 干擾競爭

interference competition 干擾競爭

intermediate disturbance hypothesis 中度干擾假說

internal distribution pattern 內(nèi)分布型

interspecfic relationship 種間關(guān)系

intertidal zone 潮間帶

intraspecific relationship 種內(nèi)關(guān)系

inversely density dependent 反密度制約

Island ecology 島嶼生態(tài)學(xué)

iteroparity 多次繁殖生物

iteroparous 多次生殖

Jordan’s rule 約丹定律

keystone species 關(guān)鍵種

kin selection 親屬選擇

kin selection 親屬選擇

k-strategists k-策略者

land cover 土地覆蓋

land use 土地利用

Landscape ecology 景觀生態(tài)學(xué)

law of constant final yield 最后產(chǎn)量衡值法則

law of the minimum 最小因子法則

law of tolerance 耐受性法則

layer 層

leached layer 淋溶層

leaf area index 葉面積指數(shù)

leaf area index(LAS) 葉面積指數(shù)

lentic ecosystem 靜水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

life cycle 生活周期

life expectancy 生命期望

life form spectrum 生活型譜

life form 生活型

life history strategy 生活史對策

life history 生活史

lifespan 生活年限

lifetime 壽命

limit of tolerance 忍受性限度

littoral zone 沿岸帶

lotic ecosystem 流水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

macroclimate 大氣候

macrofauna 大型生物

Marine ecology 海洋生態(tài)學(xué)

marine ecosystem 海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

maximum natality 最大出生率

maximum sustained yield 最大持續(xù)生產(chǎn)量

megafauna 巨型生物

mexofauna 中型生物

microclimate 小氣候

microcolony 微菌落

microcommunities 小群落

micro-ecosystem 微生態(tài)系統(tǒng)

micro-environment 微環(huán)境

microfauna 小型生物

microplankton 小型浮游生物

migration 遷徙

migration 遷移

modular organism 構(gòu)件生物

modules 構(gòu)件

Molecular ecology 分子生態(tài)學(xué)

monoclimax theory 單元演替頂級

monocultute 單種養(yǎng)殖

monogamy 單配偶制

monpohagous 單食性

monsoon forest 季風(fēng)林

mortality curve 死亡曲線

mortality 死亡率

mosaic 鑲嵌性

natality 出生率

n-dimensional niche n維生態(tài)龕

negative feedback 負(fù)反饋

net primary production(GP) 凈初級生產(chǎn)力

neutrality controversy 中性說論戰(zhàn)

niche compression 生態(tài)位壓縮

niche separation 生態(tài)位分離

niche shift 生態(tài)位分離

niche 生態(tài)位

non-equilibrium theory 非平衡理論

non-homeostatic organism 非內(nèi)穩(wěn)態(tài)生物

obiotic component 非生物成分

ocean-current 洋流

ohort life table 同群生命表

omnivores 雜食動物

open community 開放群落

open shrublands 稀疏灌叢

opportunist 機會主義者

ordination 排序

ornamentation 修飾

panclimax 泛頂級






例如:在“a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, anemia”例條中,

a- 和 an- 為前綴,其中 an- 為 a- 的變體;/ without, lacking, not / 為該前綴的含

義;而asymmetric, apolitical和anemia為例詞。


a-, an- / without, lacking, not / asymmetric, apolitical, asexual, anemia, anarchy

ab-, a-, abs- / from, away from / abduct, abjure, abdication, avert, abstain

ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- / to, forward / admit, adjure, accord, affliction,

aggregation, annexation, apparition, arraignment, assumption, attendance

ambi- / both / ambidextrous, ambivalent

amphi- / round, about / amphitheater, amphigens

an-, ana- / up; up through, back / anatomy, analysis, anachronism

ante-, anti- / before / antecedent, antebellum, anticipate

anti- / counter, against / antibiotic, antibody, antisocial, antifascist

apo- / away, from / apostasy, apostle

ar-, arch- /chief, principal / archangel, archenemy, architect

be- / to make, to take from / belittle, befriend, betake, bespeak

belli- / war / belligerent, rebellious, bellicose

ben-, bon- / good, well / benefit, benediction, benign, bonus

bi- / two / bicycle, bilateral, bisect, bipolar, bivalence

biblio- / book / bibliography, bibliophile, Bible

by- / aside or apart from the common, secondary / by-product, bypass, byname

cat- / downwards, under, against / catacomb, catechise, catastrophe

circu-, circum- / around / circumnavigation, circumlocution, circumspection, circuit

com-, con-, col-, cor-, co- / together, with / combine, compassion, contract, concentric,

collaborate, correspond, cooperation

contra- / against / contradiction, contraband, contrast

de- / down from, away / decapitate, dehydrate, dehumanize, degrade

demi- / a half or a part of / demi-god, demilune, demiwolf

di-, dia- / through, across / diode, diameter, dialog, dialectics

dif-, dis- / not, the opposite, apart / different, diffuse, disagree, divert, dispel

dys- / badly, with difficulty, hard / dyscrasia, dyslexia, dyspepsia

e- / out / emigrant, egress, emit, elope, ejaculate, eject

ec-, ef-, ex- / an outcome of / effect, effulgence, ecstasy, eccentric, expire

em-, en- / to make / employ, embrace, enable, enrich

em-, en- / in, on, into / encage, enclose, embalm, emphasis, energy

epi- / on, outer, over / epidermis, epicenter, epitaph

equi- / equal / equilateral, equilibrium, equivalent

ex-, exo-, extra- / from, out of, without / export, exodus, exotic, ex-officio, extraordinary

eu- / beautiful, good / eulogize, eugenics, euphemism

for- / not, against, away / forget, forbid, forgo, forfend

fore- / before, in front of / forehead, foretell, forefather

hemi- / a half / hemisphere, hemistich, hemicrania

hetero- / denoting dissimilarity / heterogeneous, heterodox, heterarchy

homo- / denoting similarity / homogeneous, homonym, homosexual

hydro- / water / hydraulics, hydrometer, hydropathy

hyper- / over, beyond, excessive / hypertension, hypercritical, hypersensitive

hypo- / under, beneath, down / hypothesis, hypothermia, hypocrisy

im-, in-, il-, ir- / in, into, on / imbibe, import, income, input, illustration, irrigation

im-, in-, il-, ir- / not / impossible, immature, inconsiderate, ineffectual, illegal, irresponsible

infra- / under, beneath / infrared, infra-structure, infra-costal

inter- / between / international, interpersonal, interaction, Internet

intra-, intro- / within / intramural, intravenous, Intranet, introduction, introspection

iso- / equality or similarity / isocheimal, isochomatic

kilo- /a thousand/ kilogram, kilowatt, kilometer

magna- /big, great/ magnanimous, magnitude, magnum

macro- / big / macrocomputer, macrocontrol, macroeconomy

mal- / bad, wrong / malnutrition, maltreatment, malapropism

mega- / of great size / megaphone, megaton, megalopolis, megavolt

meta- / beyond, transcending / metaphor, metaphysics, meta-memory

micro- /small / microcomputer, microcontrol, microeconomy

milli- /a thousand/ millennium, millimeter, millisecond

mis- / bad, wrong / mistake, misspelling, mispronounce, mislead

mono- / one, alone / monotony, monogamy, monochrome

multi- / many / multiple choice, multilateral, multimedia

neo- / new / neo-Confucianism, neolithic, neology, neodoxy

neu- / non-partial / neutral, neutron

neuro- / nerve / neurology, neurotic, neurasthemia

non- / not, reversing the sense / nonalignment, nonsmoker, nonsense

ob-, oc-, of-, o-, op- / in the way of, against / object, obsolete, occasion, offend, omit, oppose

omni- / all / omnivorous, omnibus, omniscient

out- / beyond, exceeding / outbid, outbreak

over- / beyond, excessive / overwork, overawe, overcoat

paleo- / old, anscient / paleoanthropology, paleobiology, paleolithic

pan-, panta- / all, everything / pan-America, pantomime, pandemonium

para- / alike, comparison, unlike / paraphrase, paradox, parody

peri- / around / peripheral, periscope, perimeter

poly- / many / polytechnic, polymer, polyglot

post- / after / postgraduate, posthumous, postwar

pre- / before / prewar, prepare, preposition, preschool

pro-, por-, pur- / forward, forth / progress, proceed, portend, pursue

pseud- / false or spurious / pseudo-science, pseudo-membrane, pseudonym

re-, retro- / back, again / regression, review, retrospect, retrogressive

se- / aside, separating / secede, seduce, sedition, separate

semi- (hemi-) / half, partly / semiconductor, semifinal, semicircle, hemisphere

sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sus-, / under / submit, submarine, succeed, suffix, suggest, support

sustain, subsonic

super- / above, greater, better / supersonic, supermarket, superpower, superiority

syn-, sym- / with, together / sympathy, symmetry, synchronic, synonym

trans- / across / transport, transplant, translation, transcontinental

tri- / three / tricycle, triple, triangle

ultra- / beyond, excessive, extreme / ultrasonic, ultraviolet

un- / not / undecided, unimportant

under- / beneath, lower in rank or degree / underdog, underfeed, undercoat

uni- / one / unite, unification, uniform

up- / upwards / uproot, upcast, upstart

with- / opposition, privation / withdraw, withstand


-able, -ible / adj. capable of, fit for / eatable, workable, considerable, sizable

-ac /adj. like, pertaining to / cardiac, maniac

-age, -ance, -ence, -ancy, -ency /n. signifying the state of being / coinage, acceptance,

existence, constancy, consistency

-ate / v. to make / activate, motivate, originate

-cle, -cule / adj. or n. small, little / particle, sickle, animalcule, miniscule

-dom / n. signifying dominion, office / kingdom, officialdom

-er, -or, -eer / n. one who / worker, writer, professor, engineer

-fy / v. to make / beautify, purify, simplify

-ic, -ical / adj. relating to, having the nature of / historic, economic, biblical, mechanical

-ics /n. study / economics, physics, linguistics

-il, -ile /adj. having the property of / civil, juvenile, puerile, ductile

-ism / n. action or practice, theory or doctrine / mechanism, imperialism, dogmatism

-ist / n. one who / physicist, communist, cyclist

-ity / n. condition, quality / activity, flexibility, identity, probability, feasibility

-ize / v. to make / modernize, revolutionize, popularize, realize

-logy / n. study, work / geology, psychology, metallurgy

-ment, -mony / n. the state of being / experiment, movement, harmony, hegemony

-ness / n. condition, quality, state of being / carelessness, sadness, illness

-oid / n. like, resembling / asteroid, mongoloid, anthropoid

-ous, -ious, -ose /adj. having the quality of / industrious, dangerous, bellicose

-ship / n. the state or quality of / sportsmanship, partnership, friendship

-tion, -ation, -sion /n. condition, the act of / information, reflection, extroversion

-tude, -ty / n. signifying the property / attitude, altitude, radioactivity, tenacity

-ward(s) / signifying direction / eastward, homeward, upward


-us cactus, alumnus, impetus (original plural form: “i”, alumni)

-a alumna, vita, formula (original plural form: “i”, alumni, or “ae”, formulae)

-um datum, curriculum (original plural form: “a”, data, curricula)

-ia, -sis, -tis (medical terms) anoxia, anemia, dyslexia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, meningitis


-acr- / sharp / acrimonious, acerbity, acidulate

-act-, -ag- / to do / action, reaction, agent,

-aev- / age, era / primeval, coeval, medieval

-agog- / leader / demagogue, pedagogue

-agri-, -agrari- / field / agriculture, agrarian, peregrination

-ali- / another / alias, aliens, inalienable

-ann-, -en- / year / annual, anniversary, centennial, biennial

-anim- / spirit / unanimous, magnanimous, animation

-anthrop- / human / anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropist

-aqua- / water / aquatic sports, aquarium, aquanaut

-arch- / government, chief, leader / monarchy, anarchy, archbishop

-aster-, -astro-, -stellar- / star / asteroid, astronomy, constellation

-audi- / hear / auditor, auditorium, audio-visual lab

-auto- / self / autobiography, automation, automobile, autism

-belli- / fight, war / bellicose, belligerent, rebellion

-bio- / life / biology, biography, biochemical, antibiotics

-bon-, -ben- / good / bonus, debonair, benefit, benign, benediction

-brev- / short / brief, abbreviate, brevity

-cad-, -cas- / to fall / cadence, decadent, accident

-cap-, -capt-, -cep- / to take / capture, precept, participate

-cap-, -capit- / head, chief / capital, captain, decapitation, per capita income

-carn- / flesh, body / carnivore, incarnation

-ced-, -cess- / go, move, yield / precede, recede, succeed, antecedent, secede, process

-cent- / one hundred / century, centennial, percentage, centigrade, centipede

-centr- / center / central, concentric, centrifugal, concentrate

-chrom- / color / monochrome, trichromatic chromosome

-chron- / time / chronology, anachronism, synchronic, chronicle

-cid-, cis- / cut / incision, homicide, precision

-cit- / call / excite, incite, recite

-civi- / citizen / civil, civilian, civilization

-clam- / to cry out / clamorous, acclamation, exclaim

-claud-, -claus-, -clos-, -clud- / to close / claustrophobia, enclose, conclude

-cogno- / knowledge, knowing / cognition, recognition, incognito, acognostic

-comp- / to fill / complete, complement, comply

-cord- / heart / accord, cordial, discord

-corp- / body / corpse, corps, incorporation, corporeal

-cred- / to believe / credence, incredulous, incredible

-cur- / to care / curator, sinecure, to cure

-curr-, -curs- / course, to run / excursion, current, precursor, curriculum

-cycle- / cycle / bicycle, tricycle, recycle

-dat- / to give / data, mandate, date

-demo- / people / demography, democracy, demagogue, epidemic

-deb- / to owe / debt, indebtedness, debenture

-derm- / skin / epidermis, pachyderm, dermatology

-di-, -diurn- / daytime / diary, diurnal, journal

-dic- / say, speak / dictation, dictionary, dictator, contradiction

-doc- / to teach / docile, doctrine, document, doctor

-domin- / to rule / dominate, domain, indomitable

-duc- / lead / aqueduct, conductor, education, viaduct

-dynam- / power, strength / dynamite, dynamo, dynamics

-ego- / self / egocentric, egotism

-erg- / to work / energy, ergatocracy, metallurgy

-err- / to wander, to deviate / error, erratic, errand

-fact-, -fect- / make, do / factory, manufacture, effect, affect

-fall-, -fals- / to deceive / fallacy, infallible, falsification

-fer- / to bring, to bear / ferry, transfer, coniferous, refer

-flect- / bend / inflexible, reflect

-gam- / marriage / monogamy, bigamy, polygamy

-gen- / produce, birth / gene, generator, eugenic, generation

-geo- / earth / geology, geothermal, geometric

-graph-, -gram- / writing / geography, biography, telegram, diagram

-greg- / group, together / gregarious, aggregate, egregious

-helio- / the sun / heliotrope, heliograph, helium

-homo- / of human / homicide, homunculus,

-hydr- / water, of hydrogen / hydraulic, dehydrate, hydrotherapy, hydrocarbon, hydroxide

-it-, -itiner- / journey, road / exit, itinerary, reiterate

-jac-, -jec- / to throw / ejaculate, project, reject

-jur- / to swear / jury, abjure, perjury, jurisdiction

-lab-, -labor- / to work / laboratory, collaborate, laborious

-leg- / law / legislature, legal, legitimate

-leg-, -lect- / to choose / election, select, legible, eligible

-lib- / book / library, libretto, libel

-locu-, -log-, -loq- / to talk / elocution, monologue, soliloquy, eloquent

-luc- / light / elucidate, lucid, translucent

-magn- / big, great / magnum, magnanimous, magnify

-man- / hand / manufacture, manuscript, manicure, emancipation

-mar-, -mer- / sea, ocean / submarine, mermaid, marinology

-mit-, -miss- / send / transmit, emit, transmission, emission, permit, permission

-mon-, -monit- / to warn / admonish, premonition, monitor

-morph- / form, structure / morphology, morpheme, anthropomorphism

-mort-, -mori- / death / mortal, mortuary, moribund

-nav- / ship / navy, navigation, naval

-onym-, -nom- / name / synonym, pseudonym, nomenclature, nomination, misnomer

-oper- / to work / operation, cooperate, opera

-pac- / peace / pacify, pacifist, Pacific Ocean

-pathy- / feeling / sympathy, antipathy, telepathy, empathy

-pel- / to drive / compel, dispel, repel, propel

-pet-, -petit- / to seek / petition, compete, appetite

-phil- / love / Anglophile, hydrophilic, philosophy, philanthropist

-phob- / hate, fear / claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia

-phon- / sound / telephone, microphone, phonology

-pod-, -ped- / foot / tripod, pedestrian, centripetal

-pon-, -pos- / position / postpone, position, preposition, positive

-polis- / city / metropolis, Indianapolis

-port- / carry / porter, portable, transport, exportation

-pseudo- / false, sham / pseudonym, pseudo-science, pseudology, pseudomorph

-psych- / mind / psychology, psychoanalysis, psywar

-put-, -putat- / to trim, to calculate / amputate, compute, putative, reputation

-que-, -qui- / to ask / question, query, request, inquisitive, prerequisite

-rid-, -ris- / to laugh / ridiculous, risibility, derision

-rog- / to ask / interrogate, prerogative, derogatory

-rupt- / to break / rupture, interrupt, eruption, bankrupt

-sci- / knowledge / science, omniscient, consciousness

-scrib-, -script- / write / scribble, inscribe, description, prescription, manuscript, scripture

-sed-, -sess- / to sit / session, sedentary, president, residence

-sens-, -sent- / to think, to feel / sense, sensitive, sensation, resent, consent

-sequ-, -secut- / follow / sequence, consequence, consecutive

-sol-, -solut- / to loosen / solvent, solution, absolve, dissolute, absolute

-son- / sound / subsonic, consonant, resonant, ultrasonic

-spect- / look at / spectrum, inspection, circumspection, retrospection

-spir- / breathe / spirit, aspiration, respiration

-soph- / wise / philosophy, sophisticate, sophomore

-tang-, -tact- / to touch / tangent, tangible, contact, contingent

-tele- / far / television, telephone, telediagnosis, telex

-temp- / mood / temper, temperament, temptation, contemptuous

-tempor- / time / temporary, contemporary, extemporaneous, temporize

-ten-, -tent- / to hold / tenable, tenacity, content, tenure

-terr- / land, earth / territory, subterranean, extraterrestrial, Mediterranean, inter

-theo-, -the- / god / theology, atheism, theory, pantheism

-therm- / heat / thermos bottle, thermometer, geothermal energy

-urb- / city / urban, suburban, urbane

-urn- / day / diurnal, nocturnal, journal

-ven-, -vent- / come / intervene, prevention, convention

-ver- / true / verify, verily, verisimilar, veracious

-via- / way / viaduct, deviation, trivial

-vid-, -vis- / see / video, visualize, vision, vista

-vinc-, -van- / conquer / victory, invincible, vanquish, vanity

-voc-, -vok- / call / vocation, revoke, invoke, provoke

-volv-, -volut- / to roll, to turn / evolve, revolve, convolution




=KeX 28-1



X=Xoe-kt 28-2



=KeXoe-kt 28-3


lg =lgKeXo- 28-4

由28-4式可知,原形藥物排泄速度的對數(shù)對時間作圖為一直線,該直線的斜率為- ,與血藥濃度的對數(shù)對時間作圖所得的斜率相同。通過直線斜率即可求出藥物的消除速度常數(shù)。


X= (e-Kt-e-Kat) 28-5



= (e-Kt-e-Kat) 28-6


= e-Kt 28-7


lg =lg - 28-8


由于尿中原形藥物排泄速度的瞬時變化率是不可能用實驗方法測出的,通過實驗只可求出平均尿藥排泄速度,設(shè)在某段時間間隔Δt內(nèi)原形藥物的排泄量為ΔXu,則平均排泄速度為 ,如中點時間為tc,這樣28-4或28-8式可改寫如下:

lg =lgKeXo- tc 28-9

lg =lg - tc 28-10

這樣以lg →tc作圖,由于實驗中采用平均排泄速度代替瞬時排泄速度,求得的消除速度常數(shù)K會出現(xiàn)較大的誤差。但若以相同的時間間隔集尿,其時間間隔不超過一倍的藥物的半衰期時,則僅產(chǎn)生2%以內(nèi)的偏差。



A thorough preparation is indispensable for having a successful and effective class, nor is an interactive implementation. How to effectively combine the two together has become the question to be answered, especially under the idea of New Curriculum. Based on the research on preparation and implementation, this paper presents some thoughts on chemistry classroom teaching in the New Curriculum background, that is, preparation is the root of classroom teaching, while implementation is the soul. Nothing but to unity the two and bring them into harmony can make a lively and active chemistry class.

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