
2023-01-28    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

從事優(yōu)化這些年來,接觸了太多行業(yè),其中醫(yī)療行業(yè)主要是民營醫(yī)療在優(yōu)化及競價這塊走得特別快,基本算是所有行業(yè)里走得最遠,玩得極致的行業(yè)。前后也 接觸了大大小小不同的醫(yī)院網(wǎng)站,我們自己醫(yī)院三國團隊也今年也建了近100多個醫(yī)院網(wǎng)站,借著本篇文章羽毛想談?wù)勧t(yī)院網(wǎng)站制作及初期優(yōu)化需要注意的一些事項心得,希望能拋磚引玉,更多從事醫(yī)院的童鞋們一起交流,談?wù)勀愕囊恍├Щ笠部梢裕務(wù)勀愕囊恍┬牡煤拖敕ㄒ残邪 ?br />Engaged in optimization and over the years, the contact with too many industries, including the medical industry is mainly private medical in optimization and for this to go quickly, is in the field of basic all travel furthest, had acme of the industry. Before and after contact with the also greatly small different hospital web site, our own hospital team also this year also three built nearly 100 more hospital website, through this article feather want to talk about the hospital website construction and optimization of the need to pay attention to the early experience some matters, the hope can derive more engaged in the hospital with the children exchange, and talk about your some confusion can also, talk about some of your experience and ideas would be fine.

第一、站點定位(Site positioning)。
定位這個問題是誰也繞不開的話題。有次我給杭州某醫(yī)院做培訓的時候,就問了那邊的包括策劃,seo,競價,編輯,美工程序等人:大家都知道我們醫(yī)院 主推有2個站點,都是XXX病種;我的問題是,誰能說說這2個站他們之間的差異在什么地方?結(jié)果,幾乎沒有人說的清晰和準確。像這樣的情況,就是典型的定 位不精準。自然后續(xù)的工作效果就好不到哪去,這也是很多醫(yī)院建站的通病。醫(yī)療站,醫(yī)療站;這個詞誰都會叫,但真正的細節(jié)差別在哪?每個醫(yī)院的需求不一樣, 每個醫(yī)院主推的科室不一樣,每個醫(yī)院的優(yōu)勢不一樣,甚至每個醫(yī)院的人員配比不一樣,自然就會體現(xiàn)在不同的站點上面。
The question is who also positioning is not open around the topic. One time I give a hangzhou hospital for training, asked that include planning, seo, bidding, the editor, artists such as program: we all know that we have two main hospital site, all is XXX diseases; My question is, who can tell us what these two stood their differences in what place? As a result, almost no one said clear and accurate. Situation like this, it is the typical set a not accurate. Natural follow-up work the effect is not good where, as many hospital the common fault of the site. The medical, medical; Who will call the word, but the details of the real difference? Every hospital demand is different, every hospital has the rate, the advantage of every hospital, even every hospital personnel ratio, nature will be reflected in different sites above.
Common will have the following several aspects
Hospital's official website
Diseases department region stand.
Diseases department industry stand.
Single page marketing site.
Auxiliary type cover kind of site.
Bidding station.
The main doctor site (not common)
Other, etc.

第二、明白站點是給病人看的(Understand that site is to see the patient)。
This is a common fault. Estimate the problems will have been around the entire site operation.
很多時候,真正決定站點最終形態(tài)的是醫(yī)院負責人??剖抑魅我埠茫瑺I銷總監(jiān)也好,是不大可能戰(zhàn)斗在網(wǎng)站第一前線,直接與患者去作溝通;而一般能和患者 有溝通的,會是咨詢師和醫(yī)生。這里我們就分析下了:咨詢師,咨詢量的壓力在那,不大可能會與患者扯咱們醫(yī)院網(wǎng)站哪里好,哪里不好;另一方面是咨詢師她們畢 竟對網(wǎng)站理解沒那么深刻,簡單說不專業(yè);就算想聊,也聊不出個知乎所以然來。醫(yī)生,那塊就更指望不上了。羽毛哥接觸好多醫(yī)院來看,網(wǎng)絡(luò)部與醫(yī)院其他部門是 非常的獨立。很少(幾乎沒有)是協(xié)調(diào)作戰(zhàn)的。
Most of the time, the site of the final form of the real decision is a hospital in charge. Department director or marketing director or is not likely to be fighting in the website first the front line, with the patient to be direct communication; While general can and patients communication, would be consultants and doctor. Here we analysis the: consultants, consulting amount of pressure on that, likely with the patient's web site at the hospital where good, where is bad; On the other hand is consultants they finish on a web site that not so deep understanding, simply said no professional; Even if want to chat, also out who know about coming together. The doctor, that piece is more hope not. The elder brother of the hospital to see a lot of contact with feathers, the network department and other departments of the hospital is very independent. Very few (almost no) is to coordinate the fight.
So, the information flow is very problem. Patients-> consultants/doctor-> department director/marketing director-> program/artists. This line is the ideal state of basic assumption. Slow not to say, go after go out or going on. So, this is also a lot of hospital website user experience bad, bad also calculate, but it has even a long for a long time can not solve the problem the reason. Unless, you have professional personnel for guidance and the guiding people to remove the professional knowledge, still must be opposite the hospital is very familiar with, ability makes the fine strategy and the improvement plan. Here, we want to understand a great principle is, the web site is a entry, it is the responsibility of the bearing for patient services, to patients with useful information, so as to obtain users trust; Eventually reach the next action production.
第三、站點結(jié)構(gòu)與框架(Site structure and framework)。
Our team involved in version, many in the medical building site situation, the good website structure, reasonable distribution deployment keywords; Very easy to reach the site's pages related seconds included, thus to realize the long tail of keywords. Basic many site in revision or construction within one month after can realize seconds included, realize the long tail key words flow.
The hospital said it web site, compared to other some industry site for, function or columns or structure or URL address or are very approximate phase, a single comparison and simple. No trace the cross section, also does not exist with many, many of the relationship. This, do a; Basic can promote site the optimization effect is more than 30%.
第四、頁面優(yōu)化(Page optimization)。
仔細分析醫(yī)療站點,其實頁面很簡潔,常見的就是首頁、頻道頁、列表頁、文章頁(這里也包括了比如問答這種頁面)和專題頁這么幾類。只要做好我們常說 的金字塔原理,就可以合理的將各個頁面形成互推之勢;避免頁面間的內(nèi)耗;同時也可以將關(guān)鍵詞有條理的部署各頁面。這樣的站點就是一個上上之作。至于頁面內(nèi) 部的細節(jié)優(yōu)化,要根據(jù)不同類型頁面進行不同的規(guī)劃,這點可以參看我博客的其他文章。
Careful analysis of medical sites, in fact pages is very concise, common home page, page, is channel list page, the article page (here also includes such as question and answer this page) and project page so a few classes. As long as do we often say pyramid principle, can reasonable will each page form of colliding potential; Avoid the internal friction between page; At the same time also can will keywords organized the deployment of the page. This site is a up and work. As for the details of the department within the page optimization, according to the different types of page of different planning, this can see my blog other articles.

第五、站點的維護與更新(The site's maintenance and update)。
網(wǎng)站不是一朝一夕的事情,需要長時間的維護和打理。醫(yī)療站點的內(nèi)容更新,這是編輯日常的必修功課,但說實在,就這一點,沒幾個醫(yī)院是真的能做到優(yōu) 秀,很多都是及格線徘徊。內(nèi)容決定站點走向,時間長了,這中間的效果差異愈發(fā)明顯。切記,切記!同時,網(wǎng)站的安全性維護,網(wǎng)站圖片,網(wǎng)站專題,網(wǎng)站細節(jié)調(diào) 整這些非常規(guī)性的維護也是一個網(wǎng)站自我完善的必經(jīng)之路。另外,還有一點也很重要,要時時圍繞用戶的需求來提供有價值的內(nèi)容。不要為了收錄量,收錄率等一些 數(shù)據(jù)指標,為了seo而seo,那樣編輯,優(yōu)化做的很痛苦,沒有成就感不說,最終的效果肯定也是不好的。
The website is not a thing, need long time of maintenance and managed. The content of the site medical update, this is editor of the daily lessons compulsory, but really, at this point, a few hospital is really can do best show, many are passing line around. Content decided to site, time is long, the effect of the differences among this increasingly clear. Remember, remember! At the same time, the security of the website maintenance, website pictures, web site project, the website details the whole of these routine maintenance is also a web site self perfection of the only road. In addition, there is a little also is very important, should always around the needs of the users to provide valuable content. Don't to included quantity, included some data rate in the index, in order to seo and seo, that editor, optimization do very pain, no sense of achievement not to say, the final result is positive is not also good.




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