
2023-02-05    分類(lèi): 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

Many owners think: Beijing construction site outside the chain of enough properly, ranking will certainly make a spurt of progress. On this point from the " link in the transaction " market is remarkable, link trades why so hot? In fact, or link trading post to bring the weight. But although many websites to buy external links, but there are still a few websites without significantly, and even reverse be down right? Is this why? In fact that a truth: " good horse with a good saddle ", with web site optimization for the purpose of the outer chain construction should also is so, today we have a website weight ratio analysis.
一:外鏈所占權(quán)重比(Outer chain weight ratio)
Outer chain why have been deified? Although not complete decision website ranking, but it is an important indicator of the success of guide rankings. Here, the author is outside the chain in website optimization in proportion to hit 25 points. Enough outside the chain of " quantity" in order to ensure the search engine to a site between rapid information transmission. But the amount is not quantity, but quality. General website, spider per day may be a hundred times, but for the good of the site, the spider daily visits the number may reach hundreds of times, this is the " quantity" gap, at the same time the quality of chain is more stable, the website does not appear serious outside chain rejection phenomenon.
二:網(wǎng)站內(nèi)容權(quán)重比(Website content weight ratio)
The chain 's role is to guide the search engines to patronize website, but if the sites do not have enough food to keep the spider, everything is in vain. Here, the author to website content importance 20 point play. In general, a site with a certain outside chain guide, coupled with appropriate content updates, the spider will everfount to index website, even on the content of outstanding cases, the indexing speed will be faster, which does not necessarily need to be outside the chain guide. But frequent content updates, although lobbyists won the search engine 's favor, but not outside the chain support, ranking is still difficult to be dart. In general, this site is easy to enter " eleven " the website list, but it is difficult to break through to the home.
三:網(wǎng)站結(jié)構(gòu)權(quán)重比(The website structure weight ratio)
The site structure in website optimization has much weight ratio? Here I for its hit 20 points. Reasonable site structure to do the following: basic detail optimization in place, such as with a custom 404 page, 301 correct orientation, keyword layout is reasonable and correct, density properly, navigation tree, robots.txt correctly, without repeating page, pure static pages. Which website does not duplicate page, and reasonable keyword structure layout is the key. Structure layout is not difficult, is also a good website optimization basic, in that there will always be zero zero pieces of the error, do not " perfect ".
四:運(yùn)行環(huán)境權(quán)重比(Operation environment of weight ratio)
Steady running environment for optimal results will play to the extreme, in which includes NS server, data server environment. Here, the author for the site operation environment to play 25 minutes, not for others, only for male head text every day because of server problems, led to the website ranking dead is not a few, and in a lot of bad competition, excellent space is more difficult. And in particular for: independent IP space more advantage, search engines give attention is the highest.
五:程序模板權(quán)重比(Program template weight ratio)




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