
2023-01-30    分類: 網(wǎng)站建設(shè)

Enterprise website construction is more or less there are many optimization problems, a corporate Web site should do, soft, draw text, the chain, etc. These exactly what to do, what to do in order to better search engine accepted. Even if cannot guarantee that every day the original article, but at least to do false original two article creation, so that others into your station will think you stand not garbage station, because it not only can get traffic. And may bring a large number of potential customers.
I think the site is nothing more than to the web site content should be meaningful and readability, now I for you to analyze how the site to do the best, in order to make people more clearly and vividly understand, now to the two site as an example, to illustrate how to combine SEO construction of enterprise web site optimization.
First of all, I use "Taobao ladies" website and "marketing type website construction website that". To understand the site's good and bad site before construction, analysis of the first two sites.
The web site is included to

The website included more certainly can bring you good ranking.
First of all, we should understand that the number of pages of a web site, the total number of pages and included determines your site in many Baidu weight. Also has a relationship with the ranking. Detection of website construction sites included the number, larger than the wall advertising the site collection of quantity, inquires about the search "website construction company" row on the first page of all the sites, the amount collected if large, visible, included also decided that one of your ranking factors.
Baidu included rate with weight is linked, can also change a way. To improve website weight, included natural will follow up, this idea has been the author confirmed, very effective.
Website content rich

"Content is king, the chain for emperor", all the content of the website is rich for optimization is a key content, not only to update, more important is the site information, you can compare two website content.
Luxuries China website home page, there are hundreds of news information, wall advertising website home page almost no news information, the best comparison, we can from the site's home page can be seen in the amount of information.
Want a picture label plus

The pictures on the website, add the alt attribute for images, factors of engine is not identification ability to the picture, the picture must be coupled with ALT tags, to those who cannot read web image search crawler provides text. So I in the ALT attribute to add keywords to optimize to let search engines know this page content with what topic is closely related to the.
alt屬性的值簡(jiǎn)要的說(shuō)明了這張圖片所要表達(dá)的信息,在圖片無(wú)法顯示的時(shí)候也可以同樣讓用戶知道這個(gè)圖片要表達(dá)的主題是什么。同樣也可以讓搜索引擎知道這個(gè)圖片是與家具相關(guān)主題的圖片。這樣描述即符合用戶體驗(yàn),又可以達(dá)到優(yōu)化 關(guān)鍵詞的效果,是好的alt屬性描述方式。
The value of the alt attribute to a brief description of the picture to express information, time cannot be displayed in the picture can also let the user know what is this image to express the theme of the. Also can let search engines know that this picture is related to the theme of the picture with the furniture. This description is in accord with the user experience, and can achieve the optimization keywords effect, is the best way to describe the ALT attribute.
Luxuries China website advertising images, product pictures, are added to the ALT label; and the wall ads on the site all pictures don't do ALT tag, this optimization method can't get the search engine's heart.
Cancel the web page animation

Website home page to do animation is very attractive, in fact, many users are not very like the animation, in addition to the time to wait, and most of the animation are unable to find the user needs to find information, so the effect is not conducive to ranking optimization.
Luxuries China website animation rarely; wall advertising website animation space is very big, especially the home is to the form of animation display, the above said the search crawler does not have the image recognition function, the same search crawler is not able to text and image recognition in the animation so, home is a focus, not be animation all occupy, to consider the needs of users, the search engine user experience.
Website editor standard

關(guān)于網(wǎng)站編輯,用的w3標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 頁(yè)面布局用DIV+CSS來(lái)布局網(wǎng)站頁(yè)面。
About the website editor, use W3 standard, using DIV+CSS page layout to the layout of web pages.
創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)用的是w3標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 頁(yè)面布局用的是DIV+CSS來(lái)布局頁(yè)面;墻體廣告網(wǎng)站上沒(méi)有用w3標(biāo)準(zhǔn),及DIV+CSS來(lái)布局頁(yè)面來(lái)做網(wǎng)站。
Luxuries Chinese is using the W3 standard, the layout of the page is used in DIV+CSS to the layout of the page; the wall ads on the site did not use the W3 standard, and DIV+CSS to layout pages to do.
Alexa world ranking

Alexa是一家專門發(fā)布網(wǎng)站世界排名的網(wǎng)站。Alexa網(wǎng)站排名的計(jì)算,是以網(wǎng)站的每天平均使用人數(shù)、 人均訪問(wèn)頁(yè)面數(shù)(與人數(shù)和人均頁(yè)數(shù)之乘積成正比)為基礎(chǔ), 以這二者的幾何平均數(shù)來(lái)排名。
Alexa is a special release site world ranking website. Calculation of Alexa website ranking, is the site daily average per capita use number, visit the page number (proportional to the product of average per capita and the number of pages) as the foundation, ranking the two's geometrical average.
Test Luxuries Chinese rankings than the wall advertising ranking to many, many webmaster will pay more attention to this value, because before ranking method for lack of a better, Alexa ranking or a reference value.
To optimize a website to optimize ranking effect, to achieve the above eight points, must improve website PR value, included the number to increase, news, write the keyword density, pictures and alt attribute, the picture should control, animation to lose weight, do website editing standards.
SEO過(guò)程中總會(huì)發(fā)生大大小小的問(wèn)題。不幸的是,問(wèn)題不是那么容易被找到和解決的。所以我們必須從網(wǎng)站的細(xì)節(jié)地方一個(gè)個(gè)的加以改正,相信網(wǎng)站一定會(huì)向前靠攏。一個(gè)月網(wǎng)站就能優(yōu)化在第一頁(yè)了,這個(gè)效果的確是非常明顯及有效的。Always occurs in the SEO process greatly small problem. Unfortunately, the problem is not so easy to be found and solved. So we must from the details of the local site in one of the correct, believe that the site will move closer. A month in the first page of the site can be optimized, the effect is very obvious and effective.




聲明:本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的內(nèi)容(圖片、視頻和文字)以用戶投稿、用戶轉(zhuǎn)載內(nèi)容為主,如果涉及侵權(quán)請(qǐng)盡快告知,我們將會(huì)在第一時(shí)間刪除。文章觀點(diǎn)不代表本網(wǎng)站立場(chǎng),如需處理請(qǐng)聯(lián)系客服。電話:028-86922220;郵箱:631063699@qq.com。內(nèi)容未經(jīng)允許不得轉(zhuǎn)載,或轉(zhuǎn)載時(shí)需注明來(lái)源: 創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)
