多種語言翻唱letgo 多種語言翻唱中文歌曲




The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen.

A kingdom of isolation,

and it looks like I'm the Queen

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

Couldn't keep it in;

Heaven knows I've tried




躲在現(xiàn)實(shí)夢境之間 不被發(fā)現(xiàn)







А я бегу всё выше,

На ледяную гладь.

И страхам дней минувших

Меня уж не догнать.


Zobacz? dzi? czy si? mam do??,

by wej?? na szczyt, odmieni? los

i wyj?? zza krat, jak wolny ptak

O tak!


忘掉那 無形鎖 去來又忘然而自我

誰亦要隨心講 忘掉就天比高

我是誰 全新的我 要拒絕諧和


Хай сила рине в землю - так бажаю я!

Як в?хола заклубочиться хай душа моя.

Я починаю розум?ти, це вже край.

Нема? вороття. Колишн? - прощавай!


Libérée, Délivrée

Désormais plus rien ne m’arrête

Libérée, Délivrée

Plus de princesse parfaite


Ecco qua la tempesta che

Non si fermerà

Da oggi il destino appartiene a me


let it go 25種語言音譯歌詞

English: "The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen."

French: "Un royaume de solitude, ma place est là pour toujours."

German: "Der Wind, er heult so wie der Sturm ganz tief in mir."

Dutch: "Het werd mij te veel, hoe ik mijn best ook deed."

Mandarin: "別讓他們進(jìn)來看見,做好女孩,就像你的從前。"

Swedish: "Visa ingenting, vad du ?n g?r, allt ?r f?rst?rt."

Japanese: ありのままの、姿見せるのよ。"

Latin American Spanish: "Libre soy, libre soy, libertad sin vuelta atrás."

Polish: "Wszystkim wbrew na ten gest mnie sta?."

Hungarian: "J?jj?n száz orkán, és k?zben a szivemen ül a jég."

Castilian Spanish: "Desde la distancia, qué peque?o todo es."

Catalan: "I les pors que em dominaven per sempre han fugit."

Italian: "Non è un difetto, è una virtù, e non la fermerò mai più"

Korean: "? ???? ????, ??。"

Serbian: "Сад ?е кра?, сад ?е кра?, На крилима ветра сам."

Cantonese: "誰亦要,隨心講,忘掉昨天悲歌。"

Portuguese: "Estou aqui, e vou ficar! Venha a tempestade..."

Bahasa Malaysia: "?????? ???? ????? ???????"-(Kuasaku buat hidup bercelaru)

Russian: “Подвластны мне мороз и лёд, Ну что за дивный дар."

Danish: "Og som krystaller st?r en tanke ganske klar."

Bulgarian: "Ще спра да бъда аз, на миналото плен."

Norwegian: "La den g?, la den g?. Jeg skal stige lik solen n?."

Thai: "?????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????????."

Canadian French: "Je suis là, comme je l'ai rêvé."

Flemish: "En de storm raast door! De vrieskou daar zat ik toch al niet mee."

The snow glows white on the mountain tonight;今晚白雪在山上閃爍

Not a footprint to be seen;一個(gè)腳印沒有

A kingdom of isolation;與世隔絕的國土

And it looks like I'm the queen;我就像是一個(gè)皇后

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside;狂風(fēng)咆哮得像我內(nèi)心一樣的紛亂

Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried;不能再困住我的感情了,只有上天才知逆我已努力過

Don't let them in, don't let them see;不讓他們走進(jìn)來,不讓他們看到

Be the good girl you always have to be;做一個(gè)好女孩,一直都要這樣

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know;掩飾、沒有感覺、不要讓他們知道

Well, now they know;好了,現(xiàn)在他們都知道了

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

Can't hold it back anymore;不能再抑制了

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

Turn away and slam the door;轉(zhuǎn)過身甩上門

I don't care what they're going to say;我不在乎他們會(huì)怎樣說

Let the storm rage on;讓風(fēng)暴怒吼吧

The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能煩擾我了

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small;可笑的是,距離令所有東西都變得渺小了

And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all;一度箝制我的恐懼再也不能控制我了

It's time to see what I can do;是時(shí)候看看我能夠做什麼了

To test the limits and break through;試驗(yàn)我的極限和突破

No right, no wrong, no rules for me;沒有對錯(cuò),也沒有規(guī)則規(guī)范我了

I'm free;我自由了

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

I am one with the wind and sky;我與風(fēng)與天同在

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

You'll never see me cry;你不會(huì)再看到我哭泣

Here I stand and here I'll stay;我就站在這里,我留在這里

Let the storm rage on;讓風(fēng)暴怒吼吧

My power flurries through the air into the ground;我的力量激蕩空氣深入地下

My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around;我的靈魂隨著四周的冰片盤旋而上

And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast;思想化為結(jié)晶如一陣冰風(fēng)

I'm never going back, the past is in the past;我不會(huì)再回去,過去已成往事

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

And I'll rise like the break of dawn;我像旭日從地上冒起

Let it go, let it go;隨心而行,隨心而行

That perfect girl is gone;那個(gè)完美女孩已不在了

Here I stand in the light of day;我就站在日光之下

Let the storm rage on;讓風(fēng)暴怒吼吧

The cold never bothered me anyway;寒冷再也不能煩擾我了!



文章標(biāo)題:多種語言翻唱letgo 多種語言翻唱中文歌曲



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